Local history of Ethiopia
Environment and events in the countryside of Ethiopia, mainly from the early 1800s and onwards. Compiled by Bernhard Lindahl.
This work, in short:
- Consists of extracts from external sources, sorted geographically and chronologically, shedding light on places rarely mentioned in print.
- Makes contents of various published sources searchable.
- In all, more than 4.000 pages on 175 pdf files.
Local history in Ethiopia / Bernhard Lindahl
General information
Information on scope, alphabetical structure, spelling history, codes for geographical identification, names included/excluded, contents of citations - and more.
- Introduction to Local history in Ethiopia Pdf, 31 kB. / Bernhard Lindahl
Information about the map codes used. The geographical names are based on the British War Office maps sold openly from the 1940s.
- Selection of defined limited areas Pdf, 15.8 kB. / Bernhard Lindahl
Bibliographic information about the sources. Languages of the publications used were English, French, Italian, German, and Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish).
- External sources for Local history in Ethiopia Pdf, 16.2 kB. / Bernhard Lindahl
The author of the documents on Local History in Ethiopia is Bernhard Lindahl (1925-2015).
Everyone with access to the internet has the right to read, download, print out and copy the documents for free.
For all other uses e.g. republication, the author's permission is required. The author always retains all copyright.
Alphabetic listing of the pdf documents
The 2005 documents are the primary files. In 2008 the work was updated with new names and additional details. These latter documents are lists of place names and their geographical coordinates and provide little information about the actual history.
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Aadi - Abzalaba Pdf, 485.4 kB.
- Acab Saat - Adgura Pdf, 370.1 kB.
- Adi - Aero Pdf, 880.4 kB.
- Af Assa - Ajura Pdf, 482.8 kB.
- Aka - Alyume Pdf, 869.7 kB.
- Ama - Amzanaghir Pdf, 609.3 kB.
- An - Arfits Pdf, 644.8 kB.
- Arga - Assussili Pdf, 550.2 kB.
- Asta - Azzazzo Pdf, 654.2 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Ba Lakmadobe - Bakyuje Pdf, 470.4 kB.
- Bal - Barye Gemb Pdf, 308.7 kB.
- Bas - Bekwot Pdf, 347.6 kB.
- Bela - Bhiza Pdf, 305.9 kB.
- Bia Kamona - Bistinno Pdf, 305.7 kB.
- Bita - Bomo Belfudi Pdf, 314.7 kB.
- Bona Gena - Brussa Pdf, 327.9 kB.
- Bua - Buotaro Pdf, 193.9 kB.
- Bur - Byenesho Pdf, 327.3 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Daababali Kaaylu - Dajet Pdf, 238 kB.
- Dak - Danziou Pdf, 328.7 kB.
- Daoierri - Dearo Tekle Pdf, 182 kB.
- Deba - Debre Sina wereda Pdf, 844.1 kB.
- Debre Tabor - Delo wereda Pdf, 784.7 kB.
- Dem Bet - Dhera Pdf, 763.2 kB.
- Di Di Mtu - Dikuniya Mikael Pdf, 195.8 kB.
- Dil Amba - Djibiet Pdf, 625.9 kB.
- Doale - Druksi Pdf, 225.5 kB.
- Dua - Dyesha Pdf, 206.3 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Ga Necu - Galwen Pdf, 228.2 kB.
- Gama - Garumuda Pdf, 314 kB.
- Gasara - Gecoa Pdf, 156 kB.
- Ged Bida - Gemza Pdf, 184.1 kB.
- Gena - Gerwane Pdf, 301.3 kB.
- Ges - Ghomasha Pdf, 143.2 kB.
- Giabassire - Gipril Pdf, 243.9 kB.
- Gir - Goel Pdf, 248.6 kB.
- Gof - Gomu Pdf, 200.2 kB.
- Gon Goma - Gootu Pdf, 417.1 kB.
- Gor - Gozza Pdf, 269.1 kB.
- Graa Kassu - Gufte Pdf, 168.1 kB.
- Gug - Guomia Pdf, 204.9 kB.
- Gur - Gurwerago Pdf, 157.9 kB.
- Gus - Gyen Pdf, 100.9 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Iabal - Ikwari Wiha Pdf, 190.1 kB.
- Il Aladera - Inchini Pdf, 157.1 kB.
- Ind'Abba Selama - Insway Pdf, 191.1 kB.
- Intada - Izha Pdf, 146.7 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Kaa Iyesus - Kakwiha Pdf, 136.4 kB.
- Kala Gud - Kaptonach Pdf, 135.4 kB.
- Kar - Kasyagur Pdf, 159.4 kB.
- Kat Maryam - Keck Pdf, 158.7 kB.
- Keda - Keltu Mesha Pdf, 158.2 kB.
- Kema - Kergetto Pdf, 158 kB.
- Kerim Tile - Kewit Pdf, 113.6 kB.
- Key - Kiku sub-district Pdf, 167.1 kB.
- Kilado - Klte Awlaelo awraja Pdf, 134.7 kB.
- Kob - Kolva Pdf, 225.4 kB.
- Kom - Koppe Pdf, 211.2 kB.
- Kor Nebir Mikael - Korum Pdf, 313.9 kB.
- Kosa - Kugule Pdf, 158.2 kB.
- Kuha - Kunzila Pdf, 199.4 kB.
- Kura - Kururohle Pdf, 122 kB.
- Kus Dulamo - Kwoyera Pdf, 167.1 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Ma - Mahoya Pdf, 166.4 kB.
- Mai Aba - Majok Pdf, 223 kB.
- Mak Memcha - Maqdala Pdf, 226 kB.
- Mar Kibiny - Maryie Pdf, 145.6 kB.
- Masal Dengia - Mazolide Pdf, 258.7 kB.
- Mead - Mejo Pdf, 255.9 kB.
- Mek - Mekwenta Pdf, 483.4 kB.
- Mel, G. - Memhir Ager Pdf, 192.6 kB.
- Mena - Merza Pdf, 313.9 kB.
- Mesaber - Mezzaga Romodan Pdf, 301.9 kB.
- Mia - Mizma Pdf, 246.3 kB.
- Moana - Mto Oscio Pdf, 289.9 kB.
- Mua - Mzila Pdf, 247.5 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
Files of 2008 (update)
Files of 2005 (primary)
- Saa - Sajo Pdf, 167.9 kB.
- Saka - Sasso Daha Pdf, 234 kB.
- Sata - Seiz Pdf, 208 kB.
- Seka - Semro Kristos Pdf, 256.9 kB.
- Sen Madobe - Sgona Pdf, 192.9 kB.
- Shaasel - Shayi Pdf, 298.8 kB.
- Shebba - Shlwamke Pdf, 316.2 kB.
- Shoan Terara - Snoch Pdf, 285.1 kB.
- Soba - Soquota Pdf, 244.9 kB.
Files of 2008 (update)
More about the compiler
Words of remembrance for Bernhard Lindahl (1925-2015) can be read in Swedish in Tenaestelin 2016:1 External link, opens in new window. (p. 28), the journal of the Swedish-Ethiopian Association.