The Nordic Africa Institute


We provide access to many resources, both printed and digital, supporting research and studies on Africa.

Our main search tool is AfricaLit Plus External link, opens in new window. – it includes our library catalogue, free and licensed resources, and more.

  • Databases

    Subscribed and free databases, Nordic research repositories, library catalogues.

  • Journals

    Print and e-journals, mainly on social sciences, politics, development issues and humanities.

  • Official documents

    We've acquired African official documents - government publications - since the 1960s.

  • Fiction

    Some 5.000 titles contemporary African fiction, mainly in English, French, and Portuguese.

  • Films and music

    We keep a collection of documentaries and feature films, as well as some music.

  • Countries and regions

    Find library resources, publications and more on specific countries or regions.

  • Thematic resources

    Compiled by library staff, usually to coincide with current events.

  • A Guide to Africa on the Internet

    Free, research-oriented online resources selected by the NAI library.

  • Liberation Africa

    Nordic Documentation on the Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa. A NAI project completed in 2009.

  • Topics

    Browse our research output and library resources based on specific topics.

  • Pamphlets

    Some 25000 items print ephemera, among them Africa-published material and documents regarding liberation and solidarity movements.