The Nordic Africa Institute


Print and e-journals, mainly on social sciences, politics, development issues and humanities.

Digital journals

Print journals, newspapers and more

The number of print journals in the NAI library is more than 1.500 titles, some 100 are current.

Our local library catalogue (part of AfricaLit Plus External link, opens in new window.) includes references to more than 7.000 articles and special issues selected from our most important academic journals, mainly from the years 1990-2000, fewer thereafter.


Due to the unique character of the collection we do not allow home loans. You may copy articles while in the library. Distance users may order copies through their local library (part of the interlibrary loan service).

NAI library subscribed to various daily newspapers in print until the mid-2000s. Due to the increase of daily news available on the internet as well as the many problems connected with the distribution of daily newspapers, the library ceased its subscriptions.

The access to older newspapers is important for research on Africa and several titles are unique. Titles are added to the collection by occasional donations.

Current Newspapers

In our link collection A Guide to Africa on the Internet, you'll find links to free newspapers and other news sources (possible to sort by country):

Similarly, you'll find a News and Media section under each country.

Newspaper content from South Africa and Southern Africa are available in the databases African News Agency and SA Media, accessible at NAI or via remote access.


For current newspapers, both Factiva database and Pressreader, common databases at university libraries, have African Newspapers although coverage for different countries varies. NAI does not provide access to these databases.


Historical Newspapers

African studies libraries have collections of African daily newspapers. Historically, there has been challenges with distribution. Holdings of single titles may be in short time spans and incomplete. There is also great variety in which countries/regions that are represented.

The library has newspapers in print as well as access to digitized newspapers. NAI library subscribed to daily newspapers in print until the mid-2000s from various countries.

Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP) External link. - hosted at the Center for Research Libraries (CRL, in Chicago, USA) - has digital and microfilmed collections with newspapers, journals and government publications from several African countries.

Microfilms can be ordered as interlibrary loans through the NAI library.
Charges for postage will apply.

Print material from the main CRL catalogue External link. can be suggested for digitization instead of interlibrary loan requests.

Anyone can browse the records of the CAMP digital collection External link.. At NAI premises digitized contents can be accessed in full.