Nordic Africa Institute - Pamphlet collection
This is an extract of selected posts from the Nordic Africa Institute library’s pamphlet collection - a collection of uncatalogued documents, in the form of essays, articles, brochures etc., which has been systematically arranged. The extract covers files on Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Southern Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Angola
[Volume] Angola : national liberation movements - UNITA
[Volume] Angola : national liberation movements - FNLA
[Volume] Angola : national liberation movements - MPLA
[Volume] Angola : refugees
[Volume] Angola : military
[Volume] Angola : solidarity movements
[Volume] Angola : anthropology
[Volume] Angola : general
[Volume] Angola : foreign relations
[Volume] Angola : colonial history
[Volume] Angola: religious institutions
[Volume] Angola : politics
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Cape Verde
[Volume] Cape Verde : general
[Volume] Cape Verde : NGO - conference
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Guinea-Bissau
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau : agriculture
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau : politics
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau : general
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau : health care
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau : development projects
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Guinea-Bissau/Cape Verde
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau/Cape Verde : national liberation movements - PAIGC
[Volume] Guinea-Bissau/Cape Verde : national liberation movements - PAIGC, Cabral
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Mozambique
[Volume] Mozambique : health care
[Volume] Mozambique : religious institutions
[Volume] Mozambique : education
[Volume] Mozambique : history
[Volume] Mozambique : colonial history
[Volume] Mozambique : foreign relations
[Volume] Mozambique : general
[Volume] Mozambique : solidarity movements
[Volume] Mozambique : development projects
[Volume] Mozambique : disaster relief
[Volume] Mozambique : politics
[Volume] Mozambique : national liberation movements
[Volume] Mozambique : national liberation movements - FRELIMO
[Volume] Mozambique : law
[Volume] Mozambique : women issues
[Volume] Mozambique : economy/statistics
[Volume] Mozambique : agriculture
[Volume] Mozambique : military/conflicts
[Volume] Mozambique : the press
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Namibia
[Volume] Namibia : politics
[Volume] Namibia : development projects - GDI
[Volume] Namibia : development projects
[Volume] Namibia : the election 1989
[Volume] Namibia : national liberation movements - SWAPO
[Volume] Namibia : law
[Volume] Namibia : trade unions
[Volume] Namibia : women issues
[Volume] Namibia : statistics
[Volume] Namibia : regional cooperation
[Volume] Namibia : United Nations - Trusteeship Council
[Volume] Namibia : solidarity movements
[Volume] Namibia : religious institutions
[Volume] Namibia : national liberation movements - SWANU
[Volume] Namibia : health/labour
[Volume] Namibia : history
[Volume] Namibia : foreign relations
[Volume] Namibia : general
[Volume] Namibia : peace research
[Volume] Namibia : agriculture
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, South Africa
[Volume] South Africa : education
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - Anti-Apartheid Movement
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - Black Sash
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - The Norwegian Council for Southern Africa
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - International Defence and Aid Fund
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - The South Africa Committee
[Volume] South Africa : United Nations and Apartheid
[Volume] South Africa : United Nations Centre Against Apartheid
[Volume] South Africa : United Nations Special Committe on Apartheid
[Volume] South Africa : development projects - SADCC
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - Anti Apartheid Bewegung
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - American Committe on Africa
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - Africa Groups ISAC
[Volume] South Africa : children and violence
[Volume] South Africa : culture and apartheid
[Volume] South Africa : history
[Volume] South Africa : foreign relations
[Volume] South Africa : apartheid
[Volume] South Africa : anthropology
[Volume] South Africa : general
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements
[Volume] South Africa : solidarity movements - Africa Groups
[Volume] South Africa : politics
[Volume] South Africa : politics - government documents
[Volume] South Africa : political parties - United Party
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions - Spro-Cas
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions - South African Council of Churches
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions - Kairos & Shipping Research Bureau
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions - Christian Institute of Southern Africa
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions - Christian Action
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions
[Volume] South Africa : the press
[Volume] South Africa : student organisations
[Volume] South Africa : national liberation movements - ANC
[Volume] South Africa : military/weapons
[Volume] South Africa : migration
[Volume] South Africa : women issues
[Volume] South Africa : religious institutions - World Council of Churches
[Volume] South Africa : national liberation movements - APDUSA/Unity Movement
[Volume] South Africa : national liberation movements - INKATHA
[Volume] South Africa : national liberation movements - PAC (Azania)
[Volume] South Africa : national liberation movements - UDF
[Volume] South Africa : law
[Volume] South Africa : trade unions
[Volume] South Africa : trade unions - COSATU/SACTU
[Volume] South Africa : race relations - South African Institute of Race Relations
[Volume] South Africa : the press - Rapport, Die Transvaaler, Die Vaderland
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Southern Africa
[Volume] Southern Africa : national liberation movements
[Volume] Southern Africa : politics
[Volume] Southern Africa : religious institutions
[Volume] Southern Africa : general
[Volume] Southern Africa : history
[Volume] Southern Africa : United Nations
[Volume] Southern Africa : solidarity movements
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Zambia
[Volume] Zambia : history
[Volume] Zambia : politics
[Volume] Zambia : labour studies
[Volume] Zambia : women issues
[Volume] Zambia : religious institutions
[Volume] Zambia : agriculture
[Volume] Zambia : education
[Volume] Zambia : politics - Kaunda
[Volume] Zambia : solidarity movements
[Volume] Zambia : social development
[Volume] Zambia : general
[Volume] Zambia : foreign relations
[Volume] Zambia : development projects
[Series] Pamphlet collection MAG, Zimbabwe
[Volume] Zimbabwe : sociology
[Volume] Zimbabwe : general
[Volume] Zimbabwe : religious institutions
[Volume] Zimbabwe : education
[Volume] Zimbabwe : African languages
[Volume] Zimbabwe : colonial history
[Volume] Zimbabwe : foreign relations
[Volume] Zimbabwe : health
[Volume] Zimbabwe : military/special forces
[Volume] Zimbabwe : agriculture
[Volume] Zimbabwe : women issues
[Volume] Zimbabwe : law
[Volume] Zimbabwe : national liberation movements - ZAPU
[Volume] Zimbabwe : national liberation movements - ZANU
[Volume] Zimbabwe : national liberation movements - ANC
[Volume] Zimbabwe : politics
[Volume] Zimbabwe : development projects
[Volume] Zimbabwe : solidarity movements
[Volume] Zimbabwe : foreign relations - USA
The collection has a resource page via the Nordic Africa Institute library with an overview of the whole collection. All individual documents in the collection are listed with titles and author/originator and can be searched via the search tool AfricaLit Plus External link, opens in new window..
Nordic Africa Institute library
P O Box 1703
SE-751 47 Uppsala
Sweden External link.
Extent: | Pamphlet collection - 146 posts. |
Ref. code: | d |
Country: | Sweden |
Period: | 1960-1995 |
Keywords: | Nordic Africa Institute library NAI Nordiska Afrikainstitutet biblioteket Pamphlet collection History Anti Apartheid movements Solidarity movements Liberation organizations Racism Movements Imperialism Colonialism pamphlets brochures |