Photos from Bread and Fishes
The solidarity organization Bread and Fishes (Brödet och Fiskarna) was founded in Västerås in 1972 as a christian group working mainly with social work.
This page will soon be updated with a gallery of photos.
Inspiration for the ways of operating came from the French Emmaus movement. The activities were mainly to collect clothes and other items and sell some of them at flee-markets to sustain the activities of the group. From 1979 the group no longer considered itself Christian. The number of people employed has varied between 15 and 25. In the 1970’s they were only given an allowance, later a small salary was paid.
International solidarity soon became the focus of the group and from 1974 support for SWAPO started with the first shipment of clothes. In 1975 support for ANC and ZANU started. Besides clothes and shoes all kinds of equipment requested for the refugee settlements was shipped. Bicycles, sewing machines, fabric, pots and pans, tents, blankets. In cooperation with the health groups within the Africa Groups considerable amounts of medical supplies and equipment were packed and shipped. Substantial contributions were also given in cash.