The Nordic Africa Institute

Awarded scholarships

A list of awarded scholarships. Please contact us if you want to see earlier years.

African Scholarship Programme 2025

  • Bamlaku Desalegn Birku, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Research project:
    Climate Change Risks and Vulnerability Assessment for Internal Displaced Peoples (IDPs)
    in Ethiopia: Identify Potential Hazards, Vulnerability, Risks and Impacts
  • Endalcachew Bayeh, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Research project:
    The Geopolitical Determinants of Ethiopia-China Relations in the Context of Post-1991
    Horn of Africa Condurum

  • Abdulrazaq Daudu, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Research project:
    Can digital financial literacy help to narrow gender gap in farm income among smallholder farmers in Nigeria?
  • Nelson Sergeo Tagang, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Research project:
    Climate change, health and gender inequality in human capital investment in rural Senegal
  • Gibson Nyikadzino, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Research project:
    Gender, Power and Online Electoral Violence against Women in Politics during Zimbabwe’s 2023 General Elections
  • Mbongeni Msimanga, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Research project:
    Harassment of Journalists in Southern Africa: A Study of Journalists Experiences in Selected Newsrooms
  • Ikem Ujene, Achievers University, Nigeria. Research project:
    Engaging Victim Communities in the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Boko Haram Members and Peacebuilding in Northeast Nigeria
  • Rosemary Nakijoba, Muteesa I Royal University, Uganda. Research project:
    Rethinking Gender in the mediation and resolution of Natural resources conflicts in a changing climate in Post War Northern Uganda

    Nordic Scholarship Programme 2025
  • Þorbjörn S. Jonasdottir, University of Iceland. Research project:
    Exporting Homophobia: Neo-Colonialism and Anti-LGBTQIA+ Legislation Driven by U.S. Evangelical Churches in Uganda
  • Michaelin Sibanda, Lund University, Sweden. Research project:
    Empowering Smallholder Farmers Through Agroecology-Based Women's Organizations in Zimbabwe
  • Bernard Ekumah, Lund University, Sweden. Research project:
    Expanding smallholder farmers’ capabilities through collective action: A pathway to sustainable agriculture in Ghana
  • Sylvia S. Apreku, Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Research project:
    Re-examining localization of service delivery (SDGs 3, 4, 5, 6 & 13): A comparative case study of the reach, inclusiveness, consistency and equity (RICE) imperatives in Uganda
  • Oliver D. Tomassi, University of Turku, Finland. Research project:
    Transitioning towards Sustainable Development in African mining: the case of Tanzania
  • Zarreen Kamalie, Stockholm University, Sweden. Research project:
    Beyond Dependency: An ethnography of the policy and legal frameworks behind impact innovation and development cooperation in Kigali and Stockholm
  • Joel Agbesinyale, Malmö University, Sweden. Research project:
    Politics of Mineral Extraction in sub-Saharan Africa

African Scholarship Programme 2024

  • Anazuo Salihu, Prince Abubakar Audu University, Nigeria. Research project:
    What Determines Gender Diversity Disclosure in Financial Services Firms in Nigeria? The Role of Financial Performance, Corporate Governance and the Moderating Effect of Macroeconomic Variables
  • Thomas Adino, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Research project:
    The Dynamics and Challenges of Regional Integration in the Horn of Africa since the 1990s: The Case of IGAD
  • Turnwait Michael, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Research project:
    Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment as a Predictor of Sexual Autonomy Among Married Women in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Yacouba Cissao, Institut des Sciences des Sociétés, Burkina Faso. Research project:
    Migration and mobility related to the circulation of agricultural products between Burkina Faso and its neighboring countries
  • Yselle Malah Kuete, University of Yaounde II, Cameroon. Research project:
    Does export diversification matter for Cameroon’s participation in global value chains?
  • Charlotte Kawesa Ntulume, Makerere University, Uganda. Research project:
    The Russia-Ukraine war in African press - Implications for coverage of European conflicts
  • Chioma John-Nsa, University of Nigeria in Nsukka, Nigeria. Research project:
    Incorporating climate change mitigation and adaptation in peri-urban informal settlements management interventions: The case of South East Nigerian cities
  • Philippe Awono, University of Yaounde II, Cameroon. Research project:
    Russia's African Policy: multi-dimensional analysis in a decolonial and anti-colonial context

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2024

  • Grace Andrew Kakama, University of Iceland. Research project:
    Potential Contributions of Microfinance Institutions in Small Scale Fisheries of Tanzania
  • Edith Kabalira, Uppsala University, Sweden. Research project:
    Framing collective victimhood through media: The Escalation and De-escalation of Mass Violence in Burundi 2015
  • Bénédicte Anthony, Lund University, Sweden. Research project:
    Forgetting the past to build peace? Exploring the use of conflict sensitivity in Mauritius
  • Karin Sundström, Stockholm University, Sweden. Research project:
    Human rights in places of detention: Institutions for monitoring, promotion, and protection
  • Rahel Weldeab Sebhatu, Malmö University, Sweden. Research project:
    Decolonizing Diplomacy: Negotiating Development Cooperation between African states and the European Union
  • Jon Edmund Bollom, University of Iceland. Research project:
    Higher Education in Guinea-Bissau: Access, engagement and pathways
  • Ida Herdieckerhoff, University of Eastern Finland. Research project:
    Unravelling uncertainty and collaboration in natural resource governance: insights from Tanzania and Mozambique
  • Terence Yong, Diaspora Academic Network for Africa, Finland. Research project: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Economy and Entrepreneurial University Ideas in African Higher Education Systems Towards Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 17: A Case Study of Ghana and Cameroon

African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme 2023

  • Alemu Asfaw Nigusie, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, Research project:
    Negotiated Securitization? North-South Cooperation and the dynamics of state response towards refugees in Ethiopia
  • Temesgen Beyan, Research and Documentation Center, Eritrea. Research project:
    Between Alliance and Competition: Regional and non-Regional Actors in the Conflicts in the Horn of Africa
  • Jackson Tamunosaki Jack, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria. Research project:
    Adaptive Capacity to Environmental Degradation in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
  • Joyce De-Graft Acquah, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Research project:
    Memory, Repatriation, and Re-emigration: The Voices of Former Liberian Refugees in Ghana
  • Arnaud Yombo Sembe, African Insitute for development Policy, Malawi. Research project:
    Ethnographing two models of economic hybridization of the developmental state in Africa. The case of sports infrastructures in Cameroon and Cote d'Ivoire
  • Jacinta Chiamaka Nwaka, University of Benin, Nigeria. Research project:
    Beyond the Theory of Colonial Exclusion: The Decline of Women’s Power in Peace Processes in Post-Colonial South-eastern Nigeria
  • Ken Junior Lipenga, University of Malawi. Research project:
    Writing Disability in Africa: Towards a Global South Epistemology
  • Helen Akolgo-Azupogo, University for Development Studies, Ghana. Research project:
    Land rights, access and livelihood security in Northern Ghana: Engendering inclusivity and non-marginalization

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2023

  • Anja Onali, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project:
    Ideals and expectations for policy relevant development research
  • Felix Dade, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Research project:
    Hybrid but one-sided? Women and hybrid peace orders in Dagbon, Northern Ghana
  • Victor Mollel, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Research project:
    Re-articulating citizenship in times of uncertainty: Hybridity in Covid-19 responses in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Floris van Doorn, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project:
    The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa as ‘Frontier Governmentality’: A Genealogy of the Spatial Remaking of Europe’s African Frontiers
  • Fisseha Tefera, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Research project:
    Forgetting a Famine: Accountability to and Remembrance of Famines in Postcolonial Africa
  • Jutta Martens, Tampere University, Finland. Research project:
    Conflicting Norms in Peace Processes - Faith-based Leaders Perspectives and Roles in Achieving Lasting Peace

African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme 2022

  • Abayineh Woldeamanuel, Jimma University, Ethiopia. Research project:
    New options to manage climate risks: index-based livestock insurance in Arid and semi-Arid part of Ethiopia
  • Peace Musiimenta, Makerere University, Uganda. Research project: Masculinity revisited: change, continuities and fractures in Western Uganda
  • Gordon Omenya, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Research project:
    Memories, heritage and claim making: A history of migrant Makonde community in Kenya
  • Marion Ouma, University of South Africa. Research project: Power, politics and democracy: Social protection policymaking in Kenya
  • Sidy Lamine Bagayoko, University of Bamako, Mali. Research project:
    Process of nationalising community schools in Mali
  • Mohammed El-Fengour, University of Mohammed V in Rabat, Morocco. Research project: The impacts of natural hazards in northern Morocco

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2022

  • Rose Ingutia, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: Water scarcity, water productivity, climate change and the potential of rain-fed agriculture for Food security: women farmers’ experience in rural Kenya
  • Joy Kibarabara, Stockholm University, Sweden. Research project:
    The Discourse and Practice of Constructive Journalism
  • Karembe Ahimbisibwe, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Research project: Constrained citizenship in Uganda: Learning and change in civil society spaces
  • Karina Horsti, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Research project: Survivor Citizenship and the Afterlife of a Disaster
  • Manuela Shampemba, Tampere University, Finland. Research project: The Impact of Social Norms in Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Eastern DRC
  • Japheth Koros, Tampere University, Finland. Research project: Accelerating water and sanitation access in Kenya: recommendations for loval-level participation

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2021

  • Nicholás Vignoli, Dalarna University, Sweden. Research project:
    Energy Transition and Universal Access to Energy in Mozambique. Study case: Community Centre for Renewable Energy in Beira, Mozambique
  • Christopher Chagnon, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: Playing favourites: Investigating Chinese investment policy in Africa
  • Eva Nilsson, Hanken School of Economics, Finland. Research project: Corporate responsibility and governance in African states. A study of a large foreign investment in Tanzania
  • Marja Tiilikainen, Migration Institute of Finland. Research project:
    Islam and security revisited: Transnational Somali families in Finland, Canada and Somalia

African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme 2021

No scholarship holder due to Covid-19.

African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme 2020

  • Anusa Daimon, University of the Free State, South Africa. Research project: ‘Alien’ migrants in hostile spaces: Malawians and the politics of othering in Zimbabwe, c. 1920s-2013
  • Christian L. Nguena, University of Dschang, Cameroon. Research project: Financial innovation and pro poor & inclusive growth in developing countries
  • Grace Idahosa, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Research project: Mid-level managers agency for transformation in South African higher education
  • Khadijat B. Amolegbe, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Research project: Economic shocks, household debt, and women’s autonomy

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2020

  • Emma Sundkvist, Lund University, Sweden. Research project: Human rights as law, language and space: feminist activism in contemporary Egypt 
  • Jerkko Holmi, University of Turku, Finland. Research project: Motivations in Finnish cooperation in Southern Africa 1985-1995

African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme 2019

  • Opeyemi Akinyemi, Covenant University, Nigeria. Research project: Energy sustainability, green growth and the sustainable development agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Nicholas Kilimani, Makerere University, Uganda. Research project: Agro-climatic shocks, coping mechanisms and income diversification: Implications for household welfare in Uganda
  • Ivor Miller, University of Calabar, Nigeria. Research project: The symbolic mask: Indigenous traditions of governance in the Cross River Region and its Atlantic diaspora
  • Valence Silayo, Stella Maris University, Tanzania. Research project: Water from the mountain of God and dynamics of the Kilimanjaro furrow system in Tanzania
  • Ronald Ndesanjo, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Research project: Enhancing Climate Resilience in Tanzania
  • Abosede Babatunde, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Research project: Oil conflict and ethnic politics in Nigeria’s Niger Delta
  • Lauren Paremoer, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Research project: The importance of social citizenship in realizing health for all

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2019

  • Nicolai Baumert, Lund University, Sweden. Research project: ‘Population dynamics in Western and Central Africa – Demographic transitions in British Nigeria and German Cameroon since 1889’.
  • Marc Dunnink, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Research project: ‘Africa’s sleeping giant; African issues in national elections. Political entrepreneurship in South Africa’s national elections’.
  • Saana Hansen, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: ‘Seeking decent belonging and formal recognition: Exploring the dynamics of returnee emplacement in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’.
  • Jenny Lorentzen, Lund University, Sweden. Research project: ‘Norm-translation in war-to-peace transitions: Women, peace and security in Mali’.
  • Ilona Steiler, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: ‘Setting work to rights: The re-construction of the Tanzanian popular economy’.

African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme

  • Sandra Manuel, Univerity Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique. Research project: Intimacy and sexual heritage in Mozambique.
  • B Camminga, Institute for Humanities in Africa, South Africa. Research project: (re) settled: The experiences of African transgender-identified asylum seekers and migrants living in Europe.
  • Olumuyiwa Bayode Adegun, Federal University of Technology, Nigeria. Research project: Developing a framewok for just sustainability in informal settlement intervention in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Anthony Diala, Centre for comparative law in Africa, South Africa. Research project: Bottom-up peacebuilding: the interface between state and non-state commercial laws in Nigeria.
  • Richard Sambaiga, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Research project: Contemporary discourses on fertility control and abortion in Tanzania: Competition, intersections and coexistence.
  • Aziza Moneer, American University in Cairo, Egypt. Research project: 'It is not all about economic growth': Epistemology of the South and environmental movements in Egypt, Morocco and Algeria.
  • Tabitha Naisiko, Makerere University, Uganda. Research project: Anthropological discourses of the post disarmament transition and gender disparities in Karamoja of Uganda.
  • Josephine Musango, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Research project: Urbanisation and sustainable electricity for all in African cities: The case of Cape Town.

Nordic Scholarship Programme 2018

  • Obert Hodzi, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: The end of a non-intervention era: China in African civil wars.
  • Ruvimbo Mavhiki, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: Zero conditionality: The rise of competetive authoritarianism and China's foreign aid.
  • Fisseha Tefera, Lund University, Sweden. Research project. Interrogating narratives of "Africa/Ethiopia rising" through local perceptions and practices of development in rural Ethiopia.
  • Niina Ahola, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research project: Life after return - Revsiting the reintegration of former Lord's Resistance Army abductees.
  • Timo Särkkä, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Research project: The lure of copper in colonial Zambia and Katanga: A study of the city finance and imperialism.
  • Akinbode Fasakin, Stockholm University, Sweden. Research project: A study on the nexus of leadership and national security in Nigeria.
  • Karine Jensen, Umeå University, Sweden. Research project: Contagion and culture: the 2005 - 2007 chikungunya epidemic in the western Indian Ocean.
  • Ajali Nguyahambi, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Research project: Growth into citizenship in civil society encounters (GROW) project.