Swedish Television, SVT
[Series] Audio/video
[Volume] Crisis in Central Africa. A foreign policy comment by Henry Christensson. (Original title: Kris i Centralafrika. En utrikespolitisk kommentar av Henry Christensson)
[Volume] Angola: Freedom struggle and the birth of a nation. (Original title: Angola: Frihetskamp och en nations födelse)
[Volume] Out into the world. (Original title: Ut i världen)
[Volume] Amandla, with culture as a weapon (Original title: Amandla med kulturen som vapen - series)
[Volume] Amanda Maatla
[Volume] (Magasinet)
[Volume] ANC Gala
[Volume] Mandela
[Volume] Cultural Pictures (a series): The truth cannot be censured. (Original title: Kulturbilder (serie). Sanningen kan inte censureras)
[Volume] White Shadows – Black Glow (Original title: Vita skuggor – svart glöd)
[Volume] (Magasinet) Angola and the civil war. (Original title: Magasinet: Angola och inbördeskriget)
[Volume] (Aktuellt Special) about South Africa: A country to change. (Original title: Aktuellt Special om Sydafrika: ett land att förändra)
[Volume] (Världsmagasinet) a youth programme with news and documentaries from all over the world. Subject: South Africa.
[Volume] (Dokument Utifrån)
[Volume] (Aktuellt Special) – Namibia: Africa’s last colony. (Original title: Namibia: Afrikas sista koloni)
[Volume] Nyerere’s visit to Sweden. (Original title: Nyereres Sverige besök)
[Volume] The victory is certain – vitoria e certe. (Original title: Segern är viss – vitoria e certe)
[Volume] The liberation struggle in Namibia. (Original title: Frihetskampen i Namibia)
[Volume] South Africa today: The gold lake. Visit to a gold mine. A programme by Nils Svenwall. (Original title: Sydafrika idag: Guldsjön. Besök i en guldgruva. Ett program av Nils Svenwall)
[Volume] (Aktuellt Extra) a news programme: South Africa overview (Original title: Aktuellt Extra: Sydafrika. En översikt)
[Volume] Black, white and grey in Angola. (Original title: Svart, vitt och grått i Angola)
[Volume] In the footsteps of war. Amongst refugees and border people in Angola and Congo. (Original title: I krigets spår. Bland flyktingar och gränsfolk i Angola och Kongo)
[Volume] For or against Boycott. A programme by Roland Hjelte and Karl Axel Sjöblom about the Swedish commitment to the South Africa question. (Original title: För eller emot bojkott)
[Volume] (Fokus – Aktuellt Magasin)
[Volume] School TV. Behind the headlines: Cooperation across borders. UN 20 years. (Original title: Skol-TV. Bakom rubrikerna. 3. Samverkan över gränserna. FN 20 år)
[Volume] (Fokus – Aktuellt Magasin)
[Volume] (Fokus – Aktuellt Magasin)
[Volume] (Mobilen) A programme about Amnesty International with Anna-Lena and Per Wästberg. (Orignal title: Mobilen. Ett program om Amnesty International med Anna-Lena och Per Wästberg)
[Volume] War in peace. (Original title: Krig i fred)
[Volume] The white man’s way: The road to apartheid. (Original title: Den vite mannens väg. 2. Vägen till apartheid)
[Volume] “No baas-no mister. We have the happiest Africans in the world.” Prime Minister of Rhodesia, Ian Smith 1972. A movie from Rhodesia by Stig Holmqvist and Aud Talle. (Original title: No bass-no mister. Vi har de lyckligaste afrikanerna i världen. )
[Volume] With the guerrillas in Angola and Cabinde. (Original title: Med gerillan I Angola och Cabinde)
[Volume] (Magasinet)
The archives of the Swedish Television (SVT 1-2) are not public. They may be accessible on site for research after previous appointment. Most of the narrative material is in Swedish, interviews and foreign features are normally in the original languages and subtitled in Swedish.
The Swedish National Archive for Recorded Sound and Moving Images (SLBA) collects the Swedish output of audiovisual media that is accessible to the public: broadcast radio and TV, film, video, records, CDs multimedia etc. Please contact them for the SVT material.
Sveriges Television AB
105 10 Stockholm
Visiting address: Oxenstiernsgatan 26-34 Stockholm
Tel: 08-784 00 00
Fax: 08-784 15 00
The Swedish Media Database (SMDB)
Former: The Swedish National Archive for Recorded Sound and Moving Images, SLBA
[Statens Ljud- och Bildarkiv]
National Library of Sweden
Audiovisual Media Department
Research Service
Box 5039
Visiting address: Humlegården, Stockholm
Telephone: +46 (0)10-709 30 00 (switchboard)
+46 (0)10-709 30 20, +46 (0)10-709 30 21
Extent: | 33 programmes (extracts from the archive) |
Country: | Sweden |
Period: | 1959-1990 |
Keywords: | Swedish Television SVT |