IKON - The Photographic Department of the Church of Sweden
Categories of pictures:
Children, Buildings, Refugees, Old Missionary Pictures, Devotions, Industry and Handicraft, Agriculture and Industry, Catastrophes and Catastrophe Aid, Art, Contrasts, Women's Work, Churches, Mass Media, Music and Dance, Named, Nature and Environment, Politics, Portraits, Projects, Religion, Medical Treatment and Health Service, Slums, Pictures from Cities,
Visits for the Purpose of Study, Education, Water, Meetings and Conferences.
[Series] Afrapix – Subscription from the African Photograph Department
[Series] ÖAF 1-114
[Series] ÖAF 115-263
[Series] South Africa 1-154, 1971 - March 1987
[Volume] Peter Magubane
[Volume] Crossroads, Port Elizabeth
[Volume] Desmond Tutu's Enthroning as Archbishop
[Volume] Manas Buthelezi holds the Bible reading
[Volume] Inauguration of Youth Centre Port Elizabeth March 1982
[Volume] Youth
[Volume] Pusmal. ELCSA and SACC Office
[Volume] Personnell at the South African Council of churches (SACC) office in Johannesburg
[Volume] Allan Boesak, Cape Town 1985
[Volume] Photographer South African Council of Churches (SACC)
[Volume] Crossroads
[Volume] Desmond Tutu in St George’s Anglo-Saxon Church
[Volume] Rorke’s Drift pictures 3-16
[Volume] ELC Art and Craft Centre Rorke’s Drift pictures 4-37
[Volume] Photographer Axel-Ivar Berglund
[Volume] Johan Svedberg
[Volume] Johan Svedberg 1989
[Volume] Photographer Jan Madestam
[Volume] Pictures 34-37 Joyce Sikhana, South African Council of Churches SACC, Johannesburg 1987
[Volume] Pictures 1-4 pastors in Vendea, Picture 9-11 Fw Farisani, 22-25 Bishop Serote
[Volume] The Church in Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] Allan Boesak in Bellville pictures 29-36
[Volume] MacDonald September pictures 5-8
[Volume] ELC Art and Craft Centre Rorke’s Drift pictures 1-34
[Volume] Oscarsberg Art & Craft Centre Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] Photographer Anders Göranzon (Captions.)
[Volume] Photographer Anders Göranzon (Captions.)
[Volume] Mr. and Mrs. September, Ceza (Nr. 12435-12436)
[Volume] Rorke’s Drift. Weaver, spinning. Delivery from the “Out stations”
[Volume] Rorke’s Drift. The oldest dwelling as a memorial at Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] Ceza Hospital several buildings
[Volume] Otto Lundbom Art Class, Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] South African Kraal where the LinsOlle films were produced. Several buildings from Ceza
[Volume] Education Home Economics course, Art Class, the chapel Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] Thulasizwe Hospital, Ceza
[Volume] Churches’ Children's Hour, coloured area Durban Chatsworth
[Volume] Theological School Umpumulo
[Volume] Emtulwa clinic and Appelsbosch in Natal
[Volume] Needlework, knitting, course in household work, textile printing, Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] Umpumulo
[Volume] Photographer Hans Engdahl (Captions.)
[Volume] Photographer Peter Magubane
[Volume] Art
[Volume] Oniipa in Ovamboland
[Volume] Namibia: Ovamboland several buildings
[Volume] Pretoria
[Volume] Sunday school at Rorke’s Drift, Appelsbosch, Emtulwa
[Volume] Spinning mill at Rorke’s Drift, women do grass work in their home, dyeing of yarn, weaving room
[Volume] Ceza, Märta Adolfsson and Anna Berntsson
[Volume] Pottery, textile printing, course in household work, Rorke’s Drift
[Volume] Ceza Hospital, Children's Department
[Series] South Africa 155-269
[Volume] Photographer Axel-Ivar Berglund
[Volume] Photographer Elisabeth Nilsson
IKON - The Photograph Department of the Church of Sweden
[Svenska kyrkans bildbyrå]
Contact person: Jim Elfström, Photographer and authorized digital photograph deliverer IKON
Telephone: +46 18-16 95 05/60
Fax: +46 18-16 99 31
E-mail: ikon@svenskakyrkan.se
http://www.svenskakyrkan.se/ikon/ External link.
Visiting Address: Sysslomansgatan 4, UPPSALA
Country: | Sweden |
Period: | 0-0 |
Keywords: | IKON Photographs Pictures Church of Sweden Mission CSM Svenska Kyrkans mission SKM Namibia South Africa History Religious organizations Religious missions Missionaries Culture |