The Nordic Africa Institute

Norwegian Church Aid, NCA


Type of organization: Christian emergency relief and development organization.

Norwegian Church Aid (Kirkens Nødhjelp), NCA was formed after the Second World War to provide emergency relief in war-torn Europe. From the 1970s NCA expanded and involved itself in emergency relief and development projects in various countries all over the world.

NCA is today Norway's largest humanitarian and development organization. The organization is involved in both emergency operations and ongoing development projects. NCA receives large allocations from Norad. It is also involved in the daily development debate in Norway and political campaigns.

NCA has supported many projects in Southern Africa, mostly church organizations. The Christian Assistance Programme (CAP) and bishop Walter Makhulu in Botswana and the South African Council of Churches (SACC) were the NCA's most important counterparts in Southern Africa, and channeled money to the liberation movement inside South Africa.

Secondary reading: A small publication was produced for NCA's 50th anniversary in 1997. Annual reports in English are available at The book "Kirkens hemmelige agent" ("The Church's Secret Agent") covers Archbishop Walter Makhulu and some of the church's activities against apartheid.


[Series] Archive: before 1990
[Volume] South Africa 1976
[Volume] Africa
[Volume] Spiritual churches
[Volume] SACC 1990
[Volume] South Africa - Natal
[Volume] South Africa 1989
[Volume] ANC, South Africa, 1989
[Volume] Money transfers
[Volume] Spiritual churches
[Volume] Network on SA affairs
[Volume] Diocese of Port Elisabeth
[Volume] South Africa 1976-1986
[Volume] South Africa 1986
[Volume] South Africa 1984
[Volume] South Africa 1987-1988
[Volume] South Africa 1990
[Volume] SACC 1980, South Africa
[Volume] South Africa 1987 SACC
[Volume] South Africa 1983
[Volume] South Africa 1985
[Volume] South Africa 1987
[Volume] South Africa 1977
[Volume] South Africa 1978
[Volume] South Africa 1979
[Volume] South Africa 1980
[Volume] South Africa 1981
[Volume] South Africa 1982
[Volume] New requests (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC, South Africa
[Volume] South Africa 1988
[Volume] South Africa SACC
[Volume] South Africa - transfers
[Volume] South Africa 1989-1990

[Series] Archive of Mozambique, 1986-1985 (2 boxes)

[Series] Archive of Zambia, until 1990 (1 meter, 7 boxes)

[Series] Archive of Lesotho, 1971-1989 (1 Box)

[Series] Archive of Zimbabwe, 1978-1990 (5 Boxes)

[Series] Archive of Tanzania, until 1990 (14 Boxes)

[Series] Archive of Namibia, 1978-1990 (7 Boxes)

[Series] Archive of Angola, 1976-1990 (6 Boxes)

[Series] Archive of Botswana 1977-1990 (3 Boxes)

[Series] Archive 1990-1994
[Volume] Network on South African Affairs (South Africa)
[Volume] Council of Churces in Namibia - CCN
[Volume] Emergency relief (Namibia)
[Volume] RT/WCC (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Namibia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Namibia)
[Volume] General, Namibia
[Volume] NAMIBIA
[Volume] Ecoersa - NCC (Mozambique)
[Volume] Manpower DEV. CCM (Mozambique)
[Volume] Church council CCM (Mozambique)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] RT/WCC (Mozambique)
[Volume] Private Schools - CCN (Namibia)
[Volume] 3R committee (Namibia)
[Volume] Spirital Churces sql Strikkeprosjekt (South Africa)
[Volume] Manpower Development - ANC (South Africa)
[Volume] African National Congress (ANC, South Africa)
[Volume] South African Council for Churches (SACC)
[Volume] Emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] RT/WCC (South Africa)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (South Africa)
[Volume] LWF/WF (South Africa)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (South Africa)
[Volume] General, South Africa
[Volume] SOUTH AFRICA (Namibia)
[Volume] Namibia Association (Namibia)
[Volume] Food distribution AME (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Mozambique)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Mozambique)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Botswana)
[Volume] General, Botswana
[Volume] NEGAGE (Angola)
[Volume] CEFOCA (CAIE) (Angola)
[Volume] Church council CAIE (Angola)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Angola)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Angola)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Angola)
[Volume] General, Angola
[Volume] ANGOLA
[Volume] AACC - Survey concerning (Portuguese speaking) refugees (Southern Africa)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Botswana)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Botswana)
[Volume] General, Mozambique
[Volume] Emergency relief (Malawi)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Malawi)
[Volume] General, Malawi
[Volume] MALAWI
[Volume] Emergency relief (Lesotho)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Lesotho)
[Volume] General, Lesotho
[Volume] LESOTHO
[Volume] Kgolagand College
[Volume] Botswana Christian Council BCC
[Volume] Emergency relief (Botswana)
[Volume] General, Southern Africa

[Series] Archive 1994-1997
[Volume] WCC/Round Table (Namibia)
[Volume] African National Congress - general (South Africa)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (South Africa)
[Volume] WCC/Round Table/SACC (South Africa)
[Volume] South African Council for Churches (SACC)
[Volume] National Co-ordinating Committee on Reparation (NCCR) (South Africa)
[Volume] Emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] Emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Human Resources Development (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Religious Affairs (South Africa)
[Volume] SCRTTI /Sewing and knitting project, Braamfontein (South Africa)
[Volume] Support Dean T.S. Farisani (South Africa)
[Volume] CAP - Christian Assistance Programme (office Gaborone, Botswana) (South Africa)
[Volume] Human Rights Commission (South Africa)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Namibia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Namibia)
[Volume] Council of Churces in Namibia - CCN (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/KEEC (Katetura Early Educatoin Course) (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/Private Schools (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church Maltahöhe nursery (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/Formal Education Unit - equipment (Namibia)
[Volume] ELCIN (Namibia)
[Volume] ALCIN/SAN Settlement and Rehabilitation Prog. (Namibia)
[Volume] 3R committee (Namibia)
[Volume] Legal Assistance Centre (Namibia)
[Volume] General, South Africa
[Volume] Institute for Contextual Theology (South Africa)
[Volume] PACSA (Pietermaritzburg Agency for Chr. Soc. Awareness) (South Africa)
[Volume] MEF/Appropriate Technology (Zambia)
[Volume] MEF/Preschool and Teacher Training Course
[Volume] Zimbabwe, general
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Agriculture (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC)
[Volume] ZCC/Ecumenical Resource and Training Centre
[Volume] EDICESA (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] MEF - cooperation with CCZ (Zambia)
[Volume] Mindolo Ecumencial Foundation (MEF) (Zambia)
[Volume] Swaziland - general
[Volume] ZAMBIA
[Volume] General, Zambia
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Zambia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Zambia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Zambia)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Zambia Christian Refugee Service (Zambia)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Zambia)
[Volume] Chrsitian Council of Zambia (CCZ)
[Volume] CCZ/IMPDSA (Manpower development) (Zambia)
[Volume] CCZ/Twafane
[Volume] CCZ/Youth and Women
[Volume] Guinea Bissau, general
[Volume] General, Southern Africa
[Volume] CICA/Culture and training centre, Luanda (CEFOKA) (Angola)
[Volume] Metodist ecumenical centre in Negage, Uige (Angola)
[Volume] MALAWI
[Volume] General, Botswana
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Botswana)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Botswana)
[Volume] Norwegian Church Aid - office in Gabarone (Botswana)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Botswana)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Repatriation of refugees (Botswana)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Botswana)
[Volume] Botswana Christian Council BCC (Botswana)
[Volume] BCC/ administration, staff (Botswana)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Angola)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Repatriation of refugees (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Southern Africa)
[Volume] LWF/CDS/DMD (Southern Africa)
[Volume] AACC - Survey concerning (Portuguese speaking) refugees (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Grants (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Priests associations grant for Southern Africa
[Volume] Nordic countries/SADCC network (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Lutheran Network Southern Africa
[Volume] Council of Churches in Southern Africa
[Volume] ANGOLA
[Volume] General, Angola
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Angola)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Angola)
[Volume] BCC/ support for office building (Botswana)
[Volume] BCC/Communication unit (Botswana)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] WCC/RT/Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] Emergency relief - Norwegian Church Aid bilateral (Mozambique)
[Volume] Christian Council of Mozambique/Training Section
[Volume] ECOERSA/FOCCESA (Mozambique)
[Volume] Street kids, Maputo, PYM (Mozambique)
[Volume] NAMIBIA
[Volume] General, Namibia
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Namibia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Namibia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Namibia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] BCC/Small Scale Project - Remote Area Dwellers (Botswana)
[Volume] BCC/EMCOS (Ecum. Management and Consultancy Service) (Botswana)
[Volume] Kgolagand College (Botswana)
[Volume] LESOTHO
[Volume] General, Lesotho
[Volume] General, Malawi
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Malawi)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Malawi)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Malawi)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Malawi)
[Volume] Flood and drought (Malawi)
[Volume] General, Mozambique
[Volume] LWF/WS (Namibia)

[Series] Archive 1997-1999
[Volume] CCN/Private Schools
[Volume] SCRTTI /Sewing and knitting project, Braamfontein (South Africa)
[Volume] CAP - Christian Assistance Programme (office Gaborone, Botswana) (South Africa)
[Volume] Human Rights Commission (South Africa)
[Volume] Institute for Contextual Theology (South Africa)
[Volume] Practical Ministries (South Africa)
[Volume] PACSA (Pietermaritzburg Agency for Chr. Soc. Awareness) (South Africa)
[Volume] EAB - Ecumenical Advice Bureau (South Africa)
[Volume] AIDs programmes in South Africa (South Africa)
[Volume] HEWSSA - Health, Education and Welfare Society of SA (South Africa)
[Volume] NLP National Language Project (South Africa)
[Volume] SCAT - Social Change Assitance Trust (South Africa)
[Volume] Diaconia Council of Churces SA (South Africa)
[Volume] IDASA - Institute for Democracy in South Africa (South Africa)
[Volume] Legal Resource Centre (Durban) (South Africa)
[Volume] The Trauma Centre for Victims of Violence & Torture (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Religious Affairs (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Human Resources Development (South Africa)
[Volume] African National Congress - general (South Africa)
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church Maltahöhe nursery
[Volume] CCN/Formal Education Unit - equipment
[Volume] ELCIN (Namibia)
[Volume] ALCIN/SAN Settlement and Rehabilitation Prog. (Namibia)
[Volume] 3R committee (Namibia)
[Volume] Legal Assistance Centre (Namibia)
[Volume] General, South Africa
[Volume] Various allocated funds (South Africa)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (South Africa)
[Volume] LWF (South Africa)
[Volume] WCC/Round Table/SACC (South Africa)
[Volume] South African Council for Churches (SACC)
[Volume] National Co-ordinating Committee on Reparation (NCCR) (South Africa)
[Volume] NICRO - Nat. Inst. For Crime Prev. & Rehab. Offenders (South Africa)
[Volume] HRT Human Right Trust (South Africa)
[Volume] CCZ/Twafane
[Volume] CCZ/Youth and Women
[Volume] Mindolo Ecumencial Foundation (MEF) (Zambia)
[Volume] MEF - cooperation with CCZ
[Volume] MEF/Appropriate Technology
[Volume] MEF/Preschool and Teacher Training Course
[Volume] ZCRS - Zambia Christian Refugee Service
[Volume] Zimbabwe, general
[Volume] Various allocated funds (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Multilateral projects
[Volume] LWF/WS - Agriculture (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] WCC/RT (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC)
[Volume] ZCC/Ecumenical Resource and Training Centre
[Volume] CCZ/IMPDSA (Manpower development)
[Volume] Christian Council of Zambia (CCZ)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Zambia)
[Volume] Black Sash Trust (South Africa)
[Volume] ELCSA - Evangelical Lutheran Church of SA (South Africa)
[Volume] KwaZulu Natal Chruch Leaders Group (South Africa)
[Volume] ISB - Institute for the study of the Bible (South Africa)
[Volume] Swaziland - general
[Volume] Various allocations (Swaziland)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Swaziland)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Swaziland)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Swaziland)
[Volume] ZAMBIA
[Volume] General, Zambia
[Volume] Various allocations (Zambia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Zambia)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Zambia)
[Volume] EDICESA (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] CCN/KEEC (Katetura Early Educatoin Course)
[Volume] General, Southern Africa
[Volume] CAA - Glo emergency relief
[Volume] CAA - Glo Health
[Volume] CAA - Glo Women
[Volume] CAA - Training programme
[Volume] CAA Fonga Women Angola
[Volume] Metodist (Angola)
[Volume] General, Botswana
[Volume] Norwegian Church Aid - office in Gabarone (Botswana)
[Volume] Various allocations (Botswana)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Botswana)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Repatriation of refugees (Botswana)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Botswana)
[Volume] Botswana Christian Council BCC
[Volume] BCC/ administration, staff
[Volume] CAA - Administration
[Volume] Church Action in Angola, CAA
[Volume] WCC/CICA (Angola)
[Volume] Regional represenation Southern Africa
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Southern Africa)
[Volume] LWF (DMD, WS) (Southern Africa)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Southern Africa)
[Volume] AACC - Survey concerning (Portuguese speaking) refugees (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Priests associations grant for Southern Africa
[Volume] Nordic / Foccesa (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Council of Churches in Southern Africa
[Volume] NFR - Norwegian Free church grant for Southern Africa
[Volume] WLSA - Women in Law in Southern Africa
[Volume] ANGOLA
[Volume] General, Angola
[Volume] Various allocations (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Angola)
[Volume] LWF (WS, Repatriation of Refugees) (Angola)
[Volume] BCC/Communication unit
[Volume] BCC/Small Scale Project - Remote Area Dwellers
[Volume] Various allocations (Mozambique)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] WCC/RT/Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM)
[Volume] CARITAS/LWF/WCC/Repatriation RRR (Mozambique)
[Volume] Christian Council of Mozambique/Training Section
[Volume] Cristian Council of Mozambique, CCM/ERTC
[Volume] Street kids, Maputo, PYM (Mozambique)
[Volume] ECOERSA/FOCCESA (Mozambique)
[Volume] NAMIBIA
[Volume] General, Namibia
[Volume] Various allocations (Namibia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/WS (Namibia)
[Volume] WCC/Round Table (Namibia)
[Volume] General, Mozambique
[Volume] WCC/RT (Lesotho)
[Volume] BCC/EMCOS (Ecum. Management and Consultancy Service)
[Volume] BCC/ support for office building
[Volume] Kgolagand College (Botswana)
[Volume] KURU Development (Botswana)
[Volume] LESOTHO
[Volume] General, Lesotho
[Volume] Various allocations (Lesotho)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Lesotho)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Lesotho)
[Volume] WCC/RT (Lesotho)
[Volume] MALAWI
[Volume] General, Malawi
[Volume] Various allocations, projects (Malawi)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Lesotho)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Lesotho)
[Volume] Council of Churces in Namibia - CCN


Location: Norwegian Church Aid offices. NCA will move within a year or so. The NCA archives are not public, but they are prepared to open the archives for researchers. Inger Frydenborg is responsible for the archive material. She can also help with searching for relevant archive material. Archive catalogue: An inventory list over older archive material regarding Southern Africa has been compiled for NAI. Archive material from the 1990s is organised in a computerised database at NCA.


Norwegian Church Aid
Att: Inger Frydenborg
Telephone: +47 22 09 27 77
E-mail: External link.
 Address: Bernhard Getz' gate 3, 0165 Oslo, Norway (visitors' address)       
Postboks 7100, St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo, Norway (postal address)

Archive extent, country, period and keywords.

Unknown. Inger Frydenborg has done a quick search showing that, as an indication, there are 1 500 files concerning South Africa from 1990 to 2000.






Norwegian Church Aid NCA Kirkens Nødhjelp Norway Norad Angola Guinea Bissau Mozambique Namibia South Africa Zimbabwe Southern Africa Christian emergency relief and development organization History Anti Apartheid movements Liberation organizations Racism movements Religious organizations Religious missions Christianity Christian Assistance Programme CAP Walter Makhulu Botswana South African Council of Churches SACC