[Series] Archive: before 1990
[Volume] South Africa 1976
[Volume] Africa
[Volume] Spiritual churches
[Volume] SACC 1990
[Volume] South Africa - Natal
[Volume] South Africa 1989
[Volume] ANC, South Africa, 1989
[Volume] Money transfers
[Volume] Spiritual churches
[Volume] Network on SA affairs
[Volume] Diocese of Port Elisabeth
[Volume] South Africa 1976-1986
[Volume] South Africa 1986
[Volume] South Africa 1984
[Volume] South Africa 1987-1988
[Volume] South Africa 1990
[Volume] SACC 1980, South Africa
[Volume] South Africa 1987 SACC
[Volume] South Africa 1983
[Volume] South Africa 1985
[Volume] South Africa 1987
[Volume] South Africa 1977
[Volume] South Africa 1978
[Volume] South Africa 1979
[Volume] South Africa 1980
[Volume] South Africa 1981
[Volume] South Africa 1982
[Volume] New requests (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC, South Africa
[Volume] South Africa 1988
[Volume] South Africa SACC
[Volume] South Africa - transfers
[Volume] South Africa 1989-1990
[Series] Archive of Mozambique, 1986-1985 (2 boxes)
[Series] Archive of Zambia, until 1990 (1 meter, 7 boxes)
[Series] Archive of Lesotho, 1971-1989 (1 Box)
[Series] Archive of Zimbabwe, 1978-1990 (5 Boxes)
[Series] Archive of Tanzania, until 1990 (14 Boxes)
[Series] Archive of Namibia, 1978-1990 (7 Boxes)
[Series] Archive of Angola, 1976-1990 (6 Boxes)
[Series] Archive of Botswana 1977-1990 (3 Boxes)
[Series] Archive 1990-1994
[Volume] Network on South African Affairs (South Africa)
[Volume] Council of Churces in Namibia - CCN
[Volume] Emergency relief (Namibia)
[Volume] RT/WCC (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Namibia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Namibia)
[Volume] General, Namibia
[Volume] NAMIBIA
[Volume] Ecoersa - NCC (Mozambique)
[Volume] Manpower DEV. CCM (Mozambique)
[Volume] Church council CCM (Mozambique)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] RT/WCC (Mozambique)
[Volume] Private Schools - CCN (Namibia)
[Volume] 3R committee (Namibia)
[Volume] Spirital Churces sql Strikkeprosjekt (South Africa)
[Volume] Manpower Development - ANC (South Africa)
[Volume] African National Congress (ANC, South Africa)
[Volume] South African Council for Churches (SACC)
[Volume] Emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] RT/WCC (South Africa)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (South Africa)
[Volume] LWF/WF (South Africa)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (South Africa)
[Volume] General, South Africa
[Volume] SOUTH AFRICA (Namibia)
[Volume] Namibia Association (Namibia)
[Volume] Food distribution AME (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Mozambique)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Mozambique)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Botswana)
[Volume] General, Botswana
[Volume] NEGAGE (Angola)
[Volume] CEFOCA (CAIE) (Angola)
[Volume] Church council CAIE (Angola)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Angola)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Angola)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Angola)
[Volume] General, Angola
[Volume] ANGOLA
[Volume] AACC - Survey concerning (Portuguese speaking) refugees (Southern Africa)
[Volume] LWF/WF (Botswana)
[Volume] LWF/CDS (Botswana)
[Volume] General, Mozambique
[Volume] Emergency relief (Malawi)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Malawi)
[Volume] General, Malawi
[Volume] MALAWI
[Volume] Emergency relief (Lesotho)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Lesotho)
[Volume] General, Lesotho
[Volume] LESOTHO
[Volume] Kgolagand College
[Volume] Botswana Christian Council BCC
[Volume] Emergency relief (Botswana)
[Volume] General, Southern Africa
[Series] Archive 1994-1997
[Volume] WCC/Round Table (Namibia)
[Volume] African National Congress - general (South Africa)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (South Africa)
[Volume] WCC/Round Table/SACC (South Africa)
[Volume] South African Council for Churches (SACC)
[Volume] National Co-ordinating Committee on Reparation (NCCR) (South Africa)
[Volume] Emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] Emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Human Resources Development (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Religious Affairs (South Africa)
[Volume] SCRTTI /Sewing and knitting project, Braamfontein (South Africa)
[Volume] Support Dean T.S. Farisani (South Africa)
[Volume] CAP - Christian Assistance Programme (office Gaborone, Botswana) (South Africa)
[Volume] Human Rights Commission (South Africa)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Namibia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (South Africa)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Namibia)
[Volume] Council of Churces in Namibia - CCN (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/KEEC (Katetura Early Educatoin Course) (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/Private Schools (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church Maltahöhe nursery (Namibia)
[Volume] CCN/Formal Education Unit - equipment (Namibia)
[Volume] ELCIN (Namibia)
[Volume] ALCIN/SAN Settlement and Rehabilitation Prog. (Namibia)
[Volume] 3R committee (Namibia)
[Volume] Legal Assistance Centre (Namibia)
[Volume] General, South Africa
[Volume] Institute for Contextual Theology (South Africa)
[Volume] PACSA (Pietermaritzburg Agency for Chr. Soc. Awareness) (South Africa)
[Volume] MEF/Appropriate Technology (Zambia)
[Volume] MEF/Preschool and Teacher Training Course
[Volume] Zimbabwe, general
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Agriculture (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC)
[Volume] ZCC/Ecumenical Resource and Training Centre
[Volume] EDICESA (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] MEF - cooperation with CCZ (Zambia)
[Volume] Mindolo Ecumencial Foundation (MEF) (Zambia)
[Volume] Swaziland - general
[Volume] ZAMBIA
[Volume] General, Zambia
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Zambia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Zambia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Zambia)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Zambia Christian Refugee Service (Zambia)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Zambia)
[Volume] Chrsitian Council of Zambia (CCZ)
[Volume] CCZ/IMPDSA (Manpower development) (Zambia)
[Volume] CCZ/Twafane
[Volume] CCZ/Youth and Women
[Volume] Guinea Bissau, general
[Volume] General, Southern Africa
[Volume] CICA/Culture and training centre, Luanda (CEFOKA) (Angola)
[Volume] Metodist ecumenical centre in Negage, Uige (Angola)
[Volume] MALAWI
[Volume] General, Botswana
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Botswana)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Botswana)
[Volume] Norwegian Church Aid - office in Gabarone (Botswana)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Botswana)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Repatriation of refugees (Botswana)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Botswana)
[Volume] Botswana Christian Council BCC (Botswana)
[Volume] BCC/ administration, staff (Botswana)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Angola)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Repatriation of refugees (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Southern Africa)
[Volume] LWF/CDS/DMD (Southern Africa)
[Volume] AACC - Survey concerning (Portuguese speaking) refugees (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Grants (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Priests associations grant for Southern Africa
[Volume] Nordic countries/SADCC network (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Lutheran Network Southern Africa
[Volume] Council of Churches in Southern Africa
[Volume] ANGOLA
[Volume] General, Angola
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Angola)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Angola)
[Volume] BCC/ support for office building (Botswana)
[Volume] BCC/Communication unit (Botswana)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] WCC/RT/Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] Emergency relief - Norwegian Church Aid bilateral (Mozambique)
[Volume] Christian Council of Mozambique/Training Section
[Volume] ECOERSA/FOCCESA (Mozambique)
[Volume] Street kids, Maputo, PYM (Mozambique)
[Volume] NAMIBIA
[Volume] General, Namibia
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Namibia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Namibia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Namibia)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] BCC/Small Scale Project - Remote Area Dwellers (Botswana)
[Volume] BCC/EMCOS (Ecum. Management and Consultancy Service) (Botswana)
[Volume] Kgolagand College (Botswana)
[Volume] LESOTHO
[Volume] General, Lesotho
[Volume] General, Malawi
[Volume] Various allocated funds - emergency relief (Malawi)
[Volume] Various allocated funds - projects (Malawi)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Malawi)
[Volume] Emergency relief (Malawi)
[Volume] Flood and drought (Malawi)
[Volume] General, Mozambique
[Volume] LWF/WS (Namibia)
[Series] Archive 1997-1999
[Volume] CCN/Private Schools
[Volume] SCRTTI /Sewing and knitting project, Braamfontein (South Africa)
[Volume] CAP - Christian Assistance Programme (office Gaborone, Botswana) (South Africa)
[Volume] Human Rights Commission (South Africa)
[Volume] Institute for Contextual Theology (South Africa)
[Volume] Practical Ministries (South Africa)
[Volume] PACSA (Pietermaritzburg Agency for Chr. Soc. Awareness) (South Africa)
[Volume] EAB - Ecumenical Advice Bureau (South Africa)
[Volume] AIDs programmes in South Africa (South Africa)
[Volume] HEWSSA - Health, Education and Welfare Society of SA (South Africa)
[Volume] NLP National Language Project (South Africa)
[Volume] SCAT - Social Change Assitance Trust (South Africa)
[Volume] Diaconia Council of Churces SA (South Africa)
[Volume] IDASA - Institute for Democracy in South Africa (South Africa)
[Volume] Legal Resource Centre (Durban) (South Africa)
[Volume] The Trauma Centre for Victims of Violence & Torture (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Religious Affairs (South Africa)
[Volume] ANC/Department for Human Resources Development (South Africa)
[Volume] African National Congress - general (South Africa)
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church
[Volume] CCN/African Methodist Church Maltahöhe nursery
[Volume] CCN/Formal Education Unit - equipment
[Volume] ELCIN (Namibia)
[Volume] ALCIN/SAN Settlement and Rehabilitation Prog. (Namibia)
[Volume] 3R committee (Namibia)
[Volume] Legal Assistance Centre (Namibia)
[Volume] General, South Africa
[Volume] Various allocated funds (South Africa)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (South Africa)
[Volume] LWF (South Africa)
[Volume] WCC/Round Table/SACC (South Africa)
[Volume] South African Council for Churches (SACC)
[Volume] National Co-ordinating Committee on Reparation (NCCR) (South Africa)
[Volume] NICRO - Nat. Inst. For Crime Prev. & Rehab. Offenders (South Africa)
[Volume] HRT Human Right Trust (South Africa)
[Volume] CCZ/Twafane
[Volume] CCZ/Youth and Women
[Volume] Mindolo Ecumencial Foundation (MEF) (Zambia)
[Volume] MEF - cooperation with CCZ
[Volume] MEF/Appropriate Technology
[Volume] MEF/Preschool and Teacher Training Course
[Volume] ZCRS - Zambia Christian Refugee Service
[Volume] Zimbabwe, general
[Volume] Various allocated funds (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Multilateral projects
[Volume] LWF/WS - Agriculture (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] WCC/RT (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC)
[Volume] ZCC/Ecumenical Resource and Training Centre
[Volume] CCZ/IMPDSA (Manpower development)
[Volume] Christian Council of Zambia (CCZ)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Zambia)
[Volume] Black Sash Trust (South Africa)
[Volume] ELCSA - Evangelical Lutheran Church of SA (South Africa)
[Volume] KwaZulu Natal Chruch Leaders Group (South Africa)
[Volume] ISB - Institute for the study of the Bible (South Africa)
[Volume] Swaziland - general
[Volume] Various allocations (Swaziland)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Swaziland)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Swaziland)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Swaziland)
[Volume] ZAMBIA
[Volume] General, Zambia
[Volume] Various allocations (Zambia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Zambia)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Zambia)
[Volume] EDICESA (Zimbabwe)
[Volume] CCN/KEEC (Katetura Early Educatoin Course)
[Volume] General, Southern Africa
[Volume] CAA - Glo emergency relief
[Volume] CAA - Glo Health
[Volume] CAA - Glo Women
[Volume] CAA - Training programme
[Volume] CAA Fonga Women Angola
[Volume] Metodist (Angola)
[Volume] General, Botswana
[Volume] Norwegian Church Aid - office in Gabarone (Botswana)
[Volume] Various allocations (Botswana)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Botswana)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Repatriation of refugees (Botswana)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Botswana)
[Volume] Botswana Christian Council BCC
[Volume] BCC/ administration, staff
[Volume] CAA - Administration
[Volume] Church Action in Angola, CAA
[Volume] WCC/CICA (Angola)
[Volume] Regional represenation Southern Africa
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Southern Africa)
[Volume] LWF (DMD, WS) (Southern Africa)
[Volume] WCC (RT) (Southern Africa)
[Volume] AACC - Survey concerning (Portuguese speaking) refugees (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Priests associations grant for Southern Africa
[Volume] Nordic / Foccesa (Southern Africa)
[Volume] Council of Churches in Southern Africa
[Volume] NFR - Norwegian Free church grant for Southern Africa
[Volume] WLSA - Women in Law in Southern Africa
[Volume] ANGOLA
[Volume] General, Angola
[Volume] Various allocations (Angola)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Angola)
[Volume] LWF (WS, Repatriation of Refugees) (Angola)
[Volume] BCC/Communication unit
[Volume] BCC/Small Scale Project - Remote Area Dwellers
[Volume] Various allocations (Mozambique)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Mozambique)
[Volume] LWF/WS - Emergency relief (Mozambique)
[Volume] WCC/RT/Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM)
[Volume] CARITAS/LWF/WCC/Repatriation RRR (Mozambique)
[Volume] Christian Council of Mozambique/Training Section
[Volume] Cristian Council of Mozambique, CCM/ERTC
[Volume] Street kids, Maputo, PYM (Mozambique)
[Volume] ECOERSA/FOCCESA (Mozambique)
[Volume] NAMIBIA
[Volume] General, Namibia
[Volume] Various allocations (Namibia)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Namibia)
[Volume] LWF/WS (Namibia)
[Volume] WCC/Round Table (Namibia)
[Volume] General, Mozambique
[Volume] WCC/RT (Lesotho)
[Volume] BCC/EMCOS (Ecum. Management and Consultancy Service)
[Volume] BCC/ support for office building
[Volume] Kgolagand College (Botswana)
[Volume] KURU Development (Botswana)
[Volume] LESOTHO
[Volume] General, Lesotho
[Volume] Various allocations (Lesotho)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Lesotho)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Lesotho)
[Volume] WCC/RT (Lesotho)
[Volume] MALAWI
[Volume] General, Malawi
[Volume] Various allocations, projects (Malawi)
[Volume] Multilateral projects (Lesotho)
[Volume] LWF (WS) (Lesotho)
[Volume] Council of Churces in Namibia - CCN