The Nordic Africa Institute

Norwegian Action against Apartheid, NAMA


Norwegian Action against Apartheid (Norsk aksjon mot apartheid), NAMA, was formed February 1 1963 as a cross-political association, and among the founding organizations were all the political youth organizations - except the young conservatives, Unge Høyre - as well as Christian and humanitarian organizations.

NAMA's aim was to work against apartheid in Namibia and South Africa. The means were providing information, educational work, working for an international boycott against South Africa and support the victims for Apartheid. NAMA published the "Afrika Dialog" six times a year, and managed to create publicity and support for the Anti-Apartheid cause in Norway in the 1960s.

NAMA merged with "Krisefondet for det sørlige Afrika", a local committee of the London based Defence and Aid Fund, in 1967 to form "The Norwegian Council for Africa". The main work and aims of NAMA continued into "The Norwegian Council for Africa", which is still active today (see separate introduction and archive key).

The full archives of NAMA (1963-1967) are located in Arbeiderbevegelsens Arkiv og Bibliotek in Oslo. A short introduction to NAMA and the anti-Apartheid work in the 1960s can be found in "For et fritt Afrika" (1999) by Nina Drolsum.


[Series] Books of minutes, 1963 to 1967
[Volume] Books of minutes
[Volume] Minutes: board and working committee
[Volume] Minutes: working committee

[Series] Letters
[Volume] Copies of letters sent (Letters from 1965 are missing)

[Series] Circulars and press statements 1963-1967
[Volume] Circulars and press statements
[Volume] Circulars
[Volume] Press statements

[Series] Subjects and correspondence 1963-1967
[Volume] Various
[Volume] Regulations, approved 1963, amended 1966
[Volume] Various board papers, plans of action, statements etc.
[Volume] "Afrika Dialog", publication
[Volume] Various
[Volume] Correspondence, Oslo-committee
[Volume] Committee for "Meeting with the third world"

[Series] Subjects (Archive Key) 1963-1967
[Volume] C10 The peace offices
[Volume] C6/2 African National Congress (ANC)
[Volume] C6/1 Organisation for African Unity (OAU)
[Volume] Subjects
[Volume] C5/13 Other countries
[Volume] C5/12 USA
[Volume] C5/11 Canada
[Volume] C5/10 Anti-Apartheid Movement Ireland
[Volume] C5/9 Finland
[Volume] C5/8 Other Danish committees etc.
[Volume] C5/7 Danish Anti-Apartheid Committee
[Volume] C5/6. Danish youth council
[Volume] C5/5. Other Swedish local committees and campaigns
[Volume] C5/4 Sweden's South Africa Committee ("Sveriges Syd-Afrika kommitté")
[Volume] C5/3. Swedish council for youth organisations ("Sveriges ungdomsorganisasjoners landsråd")
[Volume] C5/2 World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners
[Volume] C6/3 Pan Africanist Congress (PAC)
[Volume] C6/4 Other South African organisations
[Volume] C6/5 ZANU, ZAPU and other Zimbabwean organisations
[Volume] C9/2 Denmark
[Volume] C9/1 Sweden
[Volume] C8/9 Christian Action, Defence and Aid Fund
[Volume] C8/8 The crisis fund for South Africa
[Volume] C8/6 Norwegian and Nordic trade unions
[Volume] C8/7 Norwegian Confederation of Sports
[Volume] C8/5 Other Norwegian organisations
[Volume] C8/3 Other international organisations
[Volume] C8/3 International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)
[Volume] C8/2 The Norwegian WAY-committee
[Volume] C8/1 World Assembly of Youth, Brusells
[Volume] C7/2 Magazines, press agencies etc.
[Volume] C7/1 Individuals
[Volume] C6/8 Organisations in Angola and Mozambique
[Volume] C6/6 South West African organisations
[Volume] C5/1. Anti-apartheid movement, London
[Volume] Subjects
[Volume] C4. United Nations and UN organisations
[Volume] A11. Activities
[Volume] A10. Addresses
[Volume] A9/2 Support members
[Volume] A9. Organisations
[Volume] Subjects
[Volume] A8. Local groups
[Volume] A7. Travels
[Volume] A6. Regulations
[Volume] A5. Office matters
[Volume] A4. Staff matters
[Volume] A3. Finances
[Volume] A2. Working group
[Volume] A1. Board committee
[Volume] Regarding the association
[Volume] Archive key
[Volume] A12. Various
[Volume] B1/1 Folders, leaflets, posters
[Volume] B2/1 Literature and orders for literature
[Volume] C3. Municipalities
[Volume] C2/1 The state office for youth and sports
[Volume] C2. Government, departments etc.
[Volume] C1. Parliament
[Volume] B10. Various enquiries
[Volume] B9/3 International seminars and conferences
[Volume] B9/2 Courses, seminars, (others')
[Volume] B9/1 Courses, seminars, (own)
[Volume] B7. Press
[Volume] Subjects
[Volume] B6. Study activities
[Volume] B4. Lectures
[Volume] B3/2 Meetings - others'
[Volume] B3/1 Meetings - own
[Volume] B2/2 Consultations and productions
[Volume] Subjects

[Series] Members/contacts, 1963-1967
[Volume] Card index

[Series] Accounting, 1963-1967
[Volume] Accounting books (bound)
[Volume] Main accounts
[Volume] Main accounts
[Volume] Creditors and debtors

[Series] Reference material, 1963-1967
[Volume] Newspaper cuttings
[Volume] Newspaper cuttings/publications


The archive is catalogued and organised by "Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv og bibliotek", AAB. Research permits to the archive are given by ABB.

Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv
og bibliotek
Folkets Hus
Youngsgate 11
N-0181 Oslo


Labour movement's archives and library [Arbeiderbevegelsens arkiv], AAB
Folkets Hus
Youngsgate 11
N-0181 Oslo
Norway External link.

Archive extent, country, period and keywords.

2 metres.

Ref. code:







Norwegian Action against Apartheid Norsk aksjon mot apartheid NAMA The Norwegian Council for Africa Political organizations Norway Angola Mozambique Namibia South Africa Zimbabwe Southern Africa History Anti-apartheid movements Solidarity movements Liberation organizations Anti-racism movements Periodicals Afrika Dialog Boycott