International Solidarity Foundation (ISF)
The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) was founded in 1970 by the Finnish Social Democratic Party. ISF is a Finnish Non-Governmental Organization which implements development cooperation projects in developing countries.
The Namibian independence movement SWAPO presented their plans for the Kwanza Sul building project to the Finnish organizations in the latter half of 1983 and an application for Finnish government assistance for the project was filed during the autumn of the same year. The whole of the next year was spent on making plans and preparations in Finland and collecting funds for the work from Finnish sources, the first machinery and equipment being purchased in Nov. 1984 and shipped to Kwanza Sul immediately thereafter. The Finnish Workers' Eductional Association and the International Solidarity Foundation, with support from FINNIDA, executed the project in the years 1984-1986.
Internal Solidarity Foundation's material is kept in the Finnish Laboukr Archives. Most of the material has been organised and catalogued. ISF's archives can be found under signum 'Humanitarian organisations, 327.2 (Humanitaariset järjestöt.)
[Series] Activities (H)
[Volume] H6
[Volume] H12
[Volume] T757
[Series] Projects (HA)
[Volume] HA2
[Volume] HA3
[Series] Africa (HBB)
[Volume] HBB2
[Volume] HBB3
[Volume] HBB4
[Volume] HBB12
[Volume] HBB13
[Series] ISF photo archives
[Volume] Kwanza Sul, Angola 1988
[Volume] Namibia 1989-90
Finnish Labour Archives
Address: Paasivuorenkatu 5 B 00530 Helsinki.
Customer, tel: 358-9-7743 110, fax 358-9-7743 1111
Opening hours: mon, wed, fri, 10.00-16.00; tue, thu, 10.00-19.00.
Country: Finland
Period: 1970-1986