[Sub-collection] FELM Film and video archive
[Sub-collection] FELM Photo archives
[Sub-collection] FELM Publications
[Sub-collection] Private archives of FELM missionaries
[Series] Minutes of field committee meetings
[Series] Accounts, writings and studies concerning mission in Africa
[Series] Other documents concerning mission in Africa
[Series] Other documents concerning mission
[Series] Other documents
[Volume] Open letter from churches to Prime Minister of South Africa 30.6.1971 and press clippings related to it
[Volume] South African police and military action in Namibia 1968-1975
[Volume] Explosion of Oniipa printing house 1973, punishments (whipping) 1973-1974
[Volume] World Council of Churches relations to Namibia, Namibian churches, Christian Institute a. o. 1972-1973
[Volume] DELK, other German churches 1972-1975
[Series] Africa Secretary's correspondence
[Series] Circulars of missionaries in Namibia
[Series] Writings and speeches of the mission director
[Series] Letters to the mission director
[Volume] Letters from Finland
[Volume] Letters from other countries
[Volume] Letters from working areas
[Series] Correspondence: director of the Overseas Department
[Series] Manuscripts
[Series] Documents concerning missionary work in Africa
[Series] Minutes of field committee meetings, Namibia Field Committee
[Series] Press clippings (Namibia: four volumes, compiled in 1989.)
[Series] Documents of the Africa secretary
[Volume] Ovamboland working area: field secretary and missionaries 1960-1968
[Volume] Correspondence concerning African visitors in Finland 1961-1981
[Volume] Bushmen work, Bible translation, Paulinum Seminary, Engela College, Medical work in Namibia, Swakopmund Finnish School, ELOC economy 1966-1982
[Volume] Oshigambo High School 1968-1982
[Volume] Statistics, requests etc, includes letters 1969-1979
[Volume] JCSWA, correspondence 1981
[Volume] Correspondence, Vereinigte Evangelische Mission 1978-1982
[Volume] Correspondence, ELOC 1980-1982
[Volume] Secretaries’ documents, correspondence from Namibia 1981-1985
[Volume] ELCIN, ELOC: correspondence 1983-1989
[Volume] Namibia: field secretary’s correspondence 1983
[Volume] Namibia: field secretary’s correspondence 1983-1987
[Volume] Namibia: field secretary’s correspondence 1988-1989
[Volume] Namibia: missionaries’ correspondence 1984-1989
[Volume] Namibia: health care 1987-1989, other correspondence 1987-1989
[Volume] Correspondence with FMS field secretary in Namibia 1978-1980
[Volume] JCSA (Joint Committee on Southern Africa) 1973-1980
[Volume] Ovamboland working area: minutes of meetings 1960-1968
[Volume] Recruitment plans, Okavango 1955-1969
[Volume] Recruitment plans, Ovamboland 1955-1969
[Volume] Medical work 1960-1969
[Volume] Various 1961-1970
[Volume] Minutes of meetings, covering letters, correspondence with ELOC 1961-1968
[Volume] Correspondence with the FMS field secretary and assistant field secretary in S. W. Africa 1965-1970, 1969-1970
[Volume] Correspondence with missionaries in S.W. Africa
[Volume] Rheinische Mission 1966-1970
[Volume] Work among the Bushmen, Nkongo 1966-1977
[Volume] Correspondence concerning refugees and various projects 1968-1976
[Volume] JCSA (Joint Committee on Southern Africa) 1969-1978
[Volume] Correspondence with the FMS field secretary in S.W. Africa 1971-1975
[Volume] Correspondence with the FMS field secretary and assistant field secretary in S. W. Africa 1971-1977
[Volume] Namibia: miscellaneous projects
[Series] Other Documents
[Volume] Miscellaneous documents concerning missionary work in Ovamboland and Tanganyika 1953-1961
[Volume] Material on South and South-West Africa 1968-1977
[Volume] JCSA (Joint Committee on Southern Africa), Velkswa elok afrikaans 1969-1974
[Volume] Ethiopia, S. W. Africa and Tanzania 1971-1976
[Volume] Lutheran World Federation projects, Namibia 1972-1982
[Volume] Development projects in S.W. Africa, Lutheran World Federation 1966-1971
[Volume] ELOC/Church Council (in Ndonga) 1980-1983
[Volume] ELCIN, Church Council: minutes of meetings 1983-1986
[Volume] ELCIN, Church Council: minutes of meetings 1987-1989
[Series] Documents/Press clippings concerning Namibia
[Volume] Namibia 1983-1989
[Volume] Turnhalle 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Guerilla war 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] SWAPO’s prisoners, UN-SWAPO etc. 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Guerilla war, terrorist trials, prisoners, torture etc. 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Meetings, political parties etc. 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Meetings, political parties etc. 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Public opinion 1976 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Namibia material (IV-XII) 1975 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Namibia material (I-IV) 1975 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Namibia material (IX-XII) 1974 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] NP meeting, neighbours, Portugal etc. 1974 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Namibia-material (I-VI) 1974 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Elections a. o. 1973-1974 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Guerillas, border, neighbours, UN, foreign countries (I-III) 1977 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Politics, negotiations, trials etc. 1977 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Namibia Communication Centre, London 1985-1989
[Volume] Namibia, copies 1960’s
[Volume] Minutes of meetings, reports 1976-1982 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Namibia meeting 7.-14.1-1981 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Annual reviews of newspapers and leaders, negotiations, UN, government etc. 1978-1980 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Government, political parties, churches, elections, UN etc. (VII-XII) 1978 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Government, political parties, churches, elections, UN etc. (VI-VII) 1978 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] UN, SWAPO in exile, neighbours, prisoners, negotiations etc. (II-IV) 1978 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] The Kiljunens’ travel REPORT, government, political parties etc. (I-IV) 1978 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] UN, SWAPO, war etc. (XI-XII) 1977 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] SWA, politics, war operations, political parties, other groups (IX) 1977 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Churches, education, prisoners etc. 1977 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Political parties, churches, economy etc. 1977 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] “Independence” of Ovamboland and elections, riots, trials 1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Life of blacks 1972-1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] World Council of Churches 1970-1971 (Incl. letters of the mission director.)
[Volume] Papers, letters, reports, SWAPO publications etc. 1969-1975, reviews, general information on SWAPO etc. 1969-1980 (Incl. press clippings)
[Volume] Papers, letters, reports, reviews, JCSWA meeting (in Helsinki, 1977) 1968-1978
[Volume] Economy, speeches, reviews, negotiations, papers, Amnesty International, Christian Institute 1968-1978
[Volume] South Africa government, homeland government, Prime Minister advisory council 1968-1975 (Incl. press clippings.)
[Volume] Ovambo-Kavango Church, Rhenish church and FMS 1968-1974 (Incl. press clippings.)
[Volume] Letters, writings etc. (incl. Bishop Auala’s) 1968-1969
[Volume] UN Security Council, LWF documents a. o. 1968-1974 (Incl. press clippings.)
[Volume] Papers, reviews, statements a. o. 1967-1980
[Volume] Papers, leaflets, letters a. o. 1967-1977 (Incl. press clippings.)
[Volume] UN, apartheid, "This Week" 1966-1975 Press clippings.
[Volume] Letters, reports, SWAPO conference, Christian Institute etc. 1966-1977
[Volume] Tape containing Namibian songs, reviews, booklets, papers 1960-1977 (Incl. press clippings.)
[Volume] Information officer’s correspondence from Namibia 1971
[Volume] Strike in S.W. Africa, consequences of the strike, contract work 1971 (Press clippings)
[Volume] Conditions in South Africa 1972-1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] South-African political parties 1972-1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] SWAPO 1968-1973 (Mostly press clippings.)
[Volume] Liberation movements and contact groups 1972-1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] SWA – present and future, reviews, opinions, estimates 1972-1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Rauha Voipio 1972-1973
[Volume] Strike, riots 1972 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Papers, comments etc. 1971-1977
[Volume] South African churches and others, Christian Institute 1971-1977
[Volume] Hague International Court of Justice, UN – SWA 1971-1973 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Schools, Universities 1971-1973 (Mostly press clippings.)
[Volume] Letters, phone calls a. o. (Auala, Groth, Hukka, Ihamäki, Juva, Milk, Reeh, Winter) 1971-1972
[Volume] Strike in S.W. Africa 1971-1972 (Press clippings.)
[Volume] Newspapers, letters etc. 1960-1976 (Incl. press clippings.)
[Series] Annual reports of missionaries 1919-
[Series] Appendix: Minutes of the FELM board, years 1960-1989
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.2.1979
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.5.1985
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 7.10.1985
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 17.12.1985
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 26.2.1986
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.9.1986
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.12.1986
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 23.2.1986
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.12.1987
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 29.9.1987
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 22.2.1988
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 30.5.1988
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 26.9.1988
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 20.2.1989
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 31.10.1988
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 7.3.1985
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 24.9.1984
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 5.10.1979
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.2.1980
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 24.9.1980
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 29.1.1981
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.12.1982
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.9.1981
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.12.1981
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 4.2.1982
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.9.1982
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.10.1982
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 27.1.1983
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 26.5.1983
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 22.9.1983
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.4.1984
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 6.4.1988
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 9.11.1987
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 13.4.1962
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 8.6.1963
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.9.1964
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.12.1965
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 13.5.1966
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.5.1968
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.11.1968
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.4.1969
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.12.1970
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 26.3.1971
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.12.1972
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 9.4.1981
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 10.11.1981
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 3.6.1982
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.4.1961
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.5.1989
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 10.11.1986
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.9.1989
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.12.1989
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.5.1976
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.3.1974
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 17.4.1970
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 10.11.1960
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.4.1978
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.4.1983
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 27.10.1983
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 24.5.1984
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.12.1984
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.4.1985
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.11.1985
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.12.1983
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 20.2.1960
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.6.1966
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.9.1966
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.4.1967
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 29.9.1967
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 22.4.1968
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.9.1968
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 20.12.1968
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.2.1969
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 9.5.1969
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.9.1969
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.12.1969
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 6.2.1970
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 29.5.1970
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.9.1970
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 30.3.1966
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 20.9.1965
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 25.10.1960
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 13.12.1960
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 27.1.1961
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 6.5.1961
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 4.10.1961
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 29.12.1961
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.2.1962
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 3.5.1971
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 28.9.1962
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.2.1963
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 15.11.1963
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 24.1.1964
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 26.11.1964
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.2.1965
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 2.2.1971
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.9.1971
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 22.12.1975
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 27.2.1976
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 17.12.1976
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.4.1977
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.11.1977
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.12.1978
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.4.1979
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.9.1976
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 10.2.1977
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 25.5.1977
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.9.1977
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.12.1977
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 23.2.1978
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 24.5.1978
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 20.9.1975
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.2.1975
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.2.1972
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.9.1972
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.3.1973
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 27.9.1973
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 21.2.1974
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 18.10.1974
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.12.1974
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 30.10.1989
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 25.5.1987
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 26.5.1986
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 19.5.1975
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 29.10.1975
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 11.4.1980
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 16.12.1980
[Volume] Minutes of the Board, 14.9.1978