The Nordic Africa Institute

IBIS/WUS - World University Service - Denmark


Independent WUS-Denmark was founded in 1970. Before, WUS in Denmark was a branch of WUS-International (WUS-I), represented in Denmark by Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF - the Danish Students Council). In that form WUS was a member of the anti-apartheid movements in the Apartheid Committee from its beginning in 1966 and was quite active in trying to increase annual allocations. WUS received funds from the Apartheid Appropriation to WUS-International for the South African Committee for Higher Education (SACHED) and other bursary programmes in South Africa and Rhodesia.

In connection with the NAI research programme 'National Liberation in Southern Africa: The Role of the Nordic Countries' research was carried out in Denmark in the form of archive work supplemented by interviews and talks with key persons. Below is a brief presentation of the Danish NGO 'WUS' (today: 'Ibis'). An abstract in English on WUS' concerning its activities in Southern Africa can be found at: (In Danish)

The archive was found in the Ibis basement in an approximate order in terms of content and period, presumably a result of clearing offices or in connection with change of staff. The archive was investigated by Christopher Morgenstierne and Karen Reiff in 1997 as part of the NAI research project 'Denmark and Liberation in Southern Africa'.

The arcive includes 30 filing groups, some of them consisting of several ring binders. Each group was labelled 'NaLiSA' and numbered, with an individual number for each binder, eg. 1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 etc.

Lists have been made with notes and comments for some of the contents of some of the binders, relevant for the project 'Denmark and Liberation in Southern Africa'. The focus was on correspondence, minutes from meetings etc that contain reflections, concerns or decisions regarding WUS/Ibis involvement in Southern Africa, the political climate in Denmark or otherwise illustrating Danish involvement in South Africa. Few or no notes were made on project management issues, acquisitions or the like. It should be noted that the archive seems to cover well WUS' participation in the 'Anti-Apartheid Committee' and other fora.


[Series] Various administration material from SWAPO refugee projects in Angola and the Loudima school in Congo
[Volume] Listings of contents of a container sent to the Loudima school, December 1989
[Volume] 1993: Information material etc.
[Volume] 1986-93: Various financial reports etc.
[Volume] 1989-91: Loudima school documents
[Volume] Project descriptions
[Volume] 1990: Documents concerning 'Agricultural Survey' to support education on agriculture
[Volume] 1990-91: Agendas and minutes from 'School Board' meetings in 1990
[Volume] 1985-87: Documents on shipments to the Loudima school
[Volume] 1988-89: Reports to and from the Loudima 'School Board'
[Volume] Report on Mission to Namibia 23/3-1/4 1990
[Volume] 1990: Various reports from WUS visits to Loudima and 'School Board' meetings
[Volume] Feb 1987 - April 1988: About start of the Swapo school in Loudima, Congo (Brazzaville)
[Volume] Vouchers from Zimbabwe solidarity campaign in 1979

[Series] Minutes and strategies for WUS background groups
[Volume] Contains material from Landskomiteen Sydafrika-Aktion (the National Committee South Africa Action), 1977 - 1978
[Volume] Contains material from 1980 to early 1985.
[Volume] Notes about SWAPO transport project, spring 1978 to summer 1981
[Volume] Material from 1982 to end of 1989, several minutes from meetings

[Series] Administrative material about the 'Namibia Extension Unit' distance education project

[Series] WUS applications to the 'Anti-Apartheid Appropriation'

[Series] Project material for the MPLA supply and transport project
[Volume] Correspondence and documentation, mainly before and around the start of the project
[Volume] Correspondence 1972 to 74. About the establishing of the Transport Project
[Volume] Information and correspondence
[Volume] Shipment, customs etc documents, 1974 - 1976
[Volume] Budgets, book-keeping etc. administration
[Volume] Correspondence between WUS and Bent Kortsen, Advisor to the WUS/MPLA Transport Project
[Volume] Budgets and finances in connection with the sending of staff and materials to the project, 1978 - 1979
[Volume] Reports on visits to SWAPO in Angola, 1980s

[Series] Four cassettes with copies of applications to the 'Anti-Apartheid Appropriation' 1981, news clippings on the IUEF collapse 1979-80

[Series] Three binders
[Volume] Book-keeping etc for the 'Africa Hall' project
[Volume] Correspondence with organsations in Southern Africa about possible support and co-operation
[Volume] South Africa Action 1978-80

[Series] Material from WUS board
[Volume] Board minutes, memos etc. 1 /11 1976 - 30/4 1980
[Volume] Minutes, memos, documents from international conferences. 1/5 1980 - 31/12 1981
[Volume] Minutes etc board documents February 1982 to May 1983
[Volume] Board documents, including considerations about Operation Day's Work and ANC, June 1983 to August 1984
[Volume] Board documents, September 1984 to August 1986
[Volume] Board documents
[Volume] Board documents, September 1987 to June 1988
[Volume] Board documents, August 1988 to July 1989
[Volume] Board documents, August 1989 to March 1990

[Series] Project material from various projects

[Series] Correspondence with organisations and individuals in Denmark
[Volume] Various documents

[Series] Material from WUS participation in the 'Anti-Apartheid Committee' [advisory to the Minister of Foreign Affairs]

[Series] Material from administration of SWAPO school in Loudima, Congo

[Series] Educational material from WUS projecs with SWAPO

[Series] Material from WUS participation in government 'Anti-Apartheid Committee'
[Volume] Various documents

[Series] Material from 'Anti-Apartheid Committee'

[Series] Material on the school project with MPLA at Dolisie, Congo
[Volume] Contains press material and WUS agreements with liberation movements, Congolese authorities and Danida, 1972 to 1974
[Volume] Contains material about the advisory project board for the Dolisie project in Angola
[Volume] Contains financial reporting and vouchers etc for the Dolisie Project, 1975/76
[Volume] Contains correspondence between WUS and Danida and Danish Refugee Council
[Volume] Contain materials on prices, tenders etc.
[Volume] Contains WUS correspondence with construction management at Dolisie, minutes from the committee's meetings, budgets and construction plans
[Volume] Contains tenders, prices and procurements for the MPLA School Project at Dolisie, Congo, 1972-74
[Volume] Contains project proposal for health centre for MPLA in Dolisie in Congo, prepared by WUS, mid-1974
[Volume] Contains correspondence between WUS and Danida regarding the Dolisie, 'Africa Hall' and other projects, 1971 to 1976

[Series] School materials from 'Namibia Extension Unit'

[Series] Memoranda and minutes from meetings in WUS Programme Committee and Executive Committee
[Volume] Minutes, Board and other meetings, 1980-81
[Volume] Executive Committee meetings etc, mid-1981 to mid-1983
[Volume] Minutes in Programme Executive Committee (PEC - 'PFU') etc., late 1983 to mid 1985
[Volume] PEC meetings, late 1985 to mid-1986
[Volume] PEC meetings mid-1986 to mid-1987
[Volume] PEC meetings, mid 1987 to mid 1988
[Volume] PEC meetings, 2nd and 3rd quarter 1989

[Series] Project administration material

[Series] Material on SWAPO activities and contacts in Angola in the 1980s

[Series] Reports etc on 'Namibia Extension Unit'

[Series] Material on information activities about South Africa

[Series] Material on South Africa projects

[Series] News clippings on Southern Africa

[Series] WUS newsletters [in Danish]
[Volume] WUS newsletter: no 7
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 21
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 22
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 1
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 2
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 3
[Volume] WUS newsletter: no 4
[Volume] WUS newsletter: no 5
[Volume] WUS newsletter: no 6
[Volume] WUS newsletter: no 8
[Volume] WUS newsletter: no 9
[Volume] WUS newsletter. Special Issue
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 24
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 17
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 12
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 11
[Volume] WUS newsletter
[Volume] WUS newsletter
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 15
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 16
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 18
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 19
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 20
[Volume] Annual Report 82-83 from Board and activity groups
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 23
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 25
[Volume] WUS 1983-84 annual report
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 10
[Volume] WUS newsletter no 26

[Series] Various WUS materials on: Afrika-71 campaign, Angola, Dolisie school etc.

[Series] 'SWAPO-nyt' : A WUS newsletter

[Series] Information material from Giro 25 fundraising campaigns

[Series] WUS newsletters nos 24-44
[Volume] WUS newsletters nos 24 - 44

[Series] Correspondence and information materials 1978 to 1988 from Danish organisations
[Volume] Correspondence 1978 - 88 with other Danish NGOs


This archive is considered transferred to either the Danish National Archive or the workers movement archive. A comprehensive list of the archive and an abstract in English is kept at the General Secretary's office at Ibis.


(former World University Service - Denmark - WUS [Solidaritet og Bistand])
Vesterbrogade 2 b, 2. sal
1620 København V
Telephone: +45 3535 8788
Fax: Fax: (+45) 35 35 06 96
Email: External link.

Archive extent, country, period and keywords.







IBIS WUS World University Service Denmark Angola Mozambique Namibia South Africa Zimbabwe Southern Africa Rhodesia History Anti-apartheid movements Solidarity movements Liberation organizations Anti-racism movements