Civil Society Briefers in the UNSC: Past, Present and Future

UN Photo/Cia Pak
This is the second of two roundtable discussions to exchange knowledge and expertise on the UN Security Council's group of elected member states (E10) in favour of women, peace and security (WPS).
Watch the recorded webinar here:
This event concentrates on the past, present and future civil society briefing of the UNSC. Particularly focusing on African inputs from civil society briefers, the discussion will include an exchange of insights about the evolving practices of briefing the Council and the opportunities and challenges of African civil society women briefers.
The roundtable will bring together researchers from NAI, PRIO and the University of Pretoria, as well as government policy-, and decision-makers, representatives from the UN, and civil society stakeholders from both Sweden and Africa.
See also
- First roundtable webinar: Looking Back and Reflecting: Sweden’s Engagement with Civil Society in 2017-18
- Paper: Sweden as an Elected Member of the UN Security Council: Promoting Women, Peace and Security as Core Council Business, 2017-18
Pdf, 1.7 MB, opens in new window.
- Recorded webinar: Watch the recorded launch
Opens in new window. of the paper Sweden as an Elected Member of the UN Security Council.
A number of the Elected 10 (E10) member states of the UN Security Council (UNSC) have endeavoured to include women briefers in Council sessions in the process of advancing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. Indeed, involving civil society through briefing has helped to integrate the knowledge and experiences from women in conflict situations into Council discussions, and generated context-relevant UNSC resolutions and decisions.
This virtual roundtable will explore the evolution of briefing as a practice, and highlight African civil society stakeholders and their contributions and foster dialogue on the purpose and opportunities arising from briefing the UNSC. E10 perspectives combined with civil society expertise can constitute a constructive interplay of policy knowledge and pragmatic solutions. Presentations will draw attention to the direct experience of African civil society and women briefers and explore the entry-points for enhancing the work of the Council.
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