NAI at ECAS 2023

NAI Senior Researcher Jesper Bjarnesen was busy at ECAS 2023 – as a convener, discussant and presenter. Photo: Mia Hellström
Researchers, librarians and communicators from NAI took part in the European Conference on Africa Studies (ECAS) 2023 in Cologne, Germany. Here we have gathered some interviews with our participating scholars.
Progression of insecurity in the Horn of Africa - Redie Bereketeab
African knowledge production and decolonisation of political science - Liisa Laakso
Secondary cities need to be researched - Jesper Bjarnesen and Cristiano Lanzano
Electoral violence against women in Ghana - Diana Højlund Madsen
Wrapping up #ECAS2023 - Patience Mususa
External link.
Abstracts from the sessions at ECAS 2023:
Migrant ruinations in African contexts [CRG AMMODI]
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Convenor: Jesper Bjarnesen
Location: Philosophikum, S83
Session 1: Wednesday 31 May, 13:45-15:30,
Accepted paper: Ruination and migrant imaginaries in Burkina Faso and Guinea Bissau – Jesper Bjarnesen
Session 2: Wednesday 31 May, 16:00-17:45
New geopolitics in the Red Sea region
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Location: Philosophikum, S81
Sessions: Wednesday 31 May, 16:00-17:45
Accepted paper: Geopolitics as catalyst of instability in the Horn of Africa – Redie Bereketeab
Is the developmental state back? How post-neoliberal extractivism reshapes social contracts in Africa
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Discussants: Patience Mususa
Location: Philosophikum, S58
Session 1: Thursday 1 June, 9:00-10:45
Session 2: Thursday 1 June, 15:00-16:45
Towards shifting Africa's position in the global science and research ecosystem: shaping "African Futures" by transforming knowledge production
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Location: Hörsaalgebäude, Hörsaal B
Start time: 1 June, 2023 at 11:15
Accepted Paper: African Political Science Research and the Futures of Democracy – Liisa Laakso
Labour mobilities across and between secondary cities in Africa
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Friday 2 June, 9:00-10:45
Convenor: Cristiano Lanzano
Discussant: Jesper Bjarnesen
Location: Philosophikum, S55
AMMODI network meeting
Convenor: Jesper Bjarnesen
Location: Seminarraum 15, Neues Seminargebäude
Friday, June 2, 13.40-14.40
African artisanal and small-scale mining labour: comparative perspectives
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Location: Philosophikum, S57
Sessions: Friday 2 June, 15:00-16:45
Accepted paper: This paper analyzes the relationship between speculations on the environment (floods, voluntary dumping), migrations and technology (moving objects) and the health of workers in Africa salt mines – Papa Sow
Climate change and changing urban dynamics in Africa's cities: current trends and future prospects [CRG African Urban Dynamics]
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Convenor: Patience Mususa
Location: Philosophikum, S65
Session 1: Friday 2 June, 15:00-16:45
Session 2: Friday 2 June, 17:15-19:00
Ethnographies of extraction and extraversion in Africa [Sponsored by the International African Institute/ Africa: the journal of the International African Institute]
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Location: Philosophikum, Auditory, HS80
Session 2: Friday 2 June, 15:00-16:45
Accepted paper: Living with environmental toxicity: Kpo fire and the interconnected narratives on oil extraction in Nigeria’s Niger Delta – Jackson Jack
Temporality and permanence of urbanisation in Africa
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Convenor: Karen Buscher, Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues, Patience Mususa
Location: Philosophikum, S89
Session 1: Saturday 3 June, 9:00-10:45
Accepted paper: Place-making and mobilities along Zambia’s development corridors - Patience Mususa
Session 2: Saturday 3 June, 14:30-16:15
African feminist futures: gendered electoral violence and women's political participation
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Convener: Diana Højlund Madsen
Location: Philosophikum, S61
Sessions: Saturday 3 June, 9:00-10:45
Accepted paper: Women as victims and perpetrators: Gender, Violence and political agency at the local levels in Ghana – Diana Højlund Madsen