Effectiveness of the UNSC’s Elected Ten examined

Date • 24 Jan 2023
At the policy dialogue “Fifteen Diplomats on a Powder Keg: Africa and the United Nations (UN) Security Council” senior diplomats, heads of UN agencies and scholars discussed key issues such as the effectiveness of the Elected Ten, the division of labour between UN, EU and African regional bodies, and how to increase meaningful participation of women in peace processes. The event was organised by the University of Pretoria’s Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship and Future Africa in South Africa, partnered with the Nordic Africa Institute.
Films from the conference
Welcome and framing the debate
Session 1: The United Nations in an Uncertain World
Session 2: Blue Berets, Burning Brushfires: Africa and the UN Security Council
Session 3: From Military to Human Security: Human Rights, Gender, and the UN Security Council in Africa
Session 4: Ubuntu Diplomacy: South Africa and the UN Security Council
Session 5: Strengthening Multilateralism: Germany, Sweden, and the UN Security Council in Africa
Closing remarks
Policy Brief based on the Policy Dialouge: Fifteen Diplomats on a Powder Keg: Africa and the United Nations Security Council External link, opens in new window.