NAI Guest Researcher Dialogues

Date: 03 May 2023
Time: 14.00-15.30
Venue: Protea at The Nordic Africa Institute, second floor, Villavägen 6, Uppsala.
Facebook event External link, opens in new window.
Fika and mingle in the NAI Library afterwards
During the dialogue, we will listen to two presentations by our African guest researchers. Dr Joyce De-Graft Acquah (University of Cape Coast) will unravel Liberian refugees’ memories of their home country (including war memories) and how this influenced voluntary repatriation to Liberia and re-immigration to their former asylum country - Ghana. The second presentation by Dr Arnaud Yombo (African Institute for Development Policy) will address data production processes, and policy engagement on democracy and governance. The discussants will be NAI Senior Researchers Liisa Laakso and Guðrún Sif Friðriksdóttir.
Fika will be served downstairs in the NAI Library after the event.
Don’t forget to sign up for NAI Africa-specific e-resources for students during the fika!
The dialogue series is organized by Pax et Bellum and Uppsala Peace and Development Students' Association (UPaD), in collaboration with the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI). No membership is required and the event is open to the public.
Dr Joyce De-Graft Acquah
Dr. Joyce De-Graft Acquah is a Research Fellow at the Department of Peace Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. She is also a member of the Central Regional Peace Council as a conflict analyst and peacebuilding specialist. Currently, she is a Guest Researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute, researching "Memory, Repatriation, and Re-emigration: The Voices of Former Liberian Refugees in Ghana."
Dr Arnaud Yombo
Dr. Arnaud Yombo is a Researcher and Policy Analyst at the African Institute for Development Policy, based in Malawi. He works as Francophone Africa project manager of a project called Africa Integrity Indicators, funded by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and used in the Ibrahim Index of Governance in Africa and by the World Bank. He has previously been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cape Town.
Uppsala Peace and Development Students’ Association (UPaD) was established on the 18th of April 2012 as a student forum for the students of the Bachelor Programme in Peace and Development Studies
Pax et Bellum
Since 2005, Pax et Bellum is the student association of the Department of Peace and Conflict Research and is entirely run by but not limited to students. Our members are mainly students of different faculties and practitioners in the field of peace and conflict
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