NAI Guest Researcher Dialogues

In Uppsala: NAI Guest Researcher Dialogues this week with African Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Holder Dr. Peace Musiimenta (Makerere University) and Dr. Viola Nilah Nyakato.
During the dialogue, we will listen to Dr. Peace Musiimenta (Makerere University) and Dr. Viola Nilah Nyakato (Senior Researcher, NAI) engage in new research from Musiimenta's project on "Masculinities revisited: change, continuities and fractures in Western Uganda". We will explore men's experiences and lamentations on shifting masculinities among Bakiga in Western Uganda. Particularly how men and boys experience and manage social changes that define ideal forms of masculinities.
Fika will be served downstairs in the NAI Library after the event.
The dialogue series is organised by Pax et Bellum and Uppsala Peace and Development Students' Association (UPaD), in collaboration with the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI). No membership required and the event is open to the public.
Register to the event External link, opens in new window.
Uppsala Peace and Development Students’ Association (UPaD) was established on the 18th of April 2012 as a student forum for the students on the Bachelor Programme in Peace and Development Studies.
Pax et Bellum:
Since 2005, Pax et Bellum is the student association of the Department of Peace and Conflict Research and entirely run by but not limited to students. Our members are mainly students of different faculties and practitioners in the field of peace and conflict.
This event may be photographed and/or filmed, due to our public service mission. Please inform us if you object to this.