Africa’s Oil and Gas: Prospects for Economic Transformation and a Cleaner Future

You are invited to participate in the webinar Africa’s Oil & Gas: Prospects for economic transformation and a cleaner future, organized by the African Natural Resources Centre and the African Legal Support Facility, both of the African Development Bank together with the Nordic Africa Institute. The webinar is hosted by the African Development Bank.
Please observe the time of the webinar:
10:00 - 12:00 GMT/UTC (12:00 - 14:00 CEST)
Africa’s oil and gas sector resilience require a broad range of policy interventions such as a shift from traditional raw-commodities-export-led growth model, economic diversification from traditional extractive resources to more sustainable pathways, addressing infrastructural linkage deficits, promoting knowledge through research and technology transfer, efficient taxation, curbing illicit trade and financial flows, addressing environment and climate impacts.
To discuss some of these policy shifts, this fourth webinar – in a series on Africa’s Covid-19 response and the extractive sector- will delve more deeply into the oil and gas sector, to analyse practical measures that can be implemented to ensure that the sector supports economic resilience and sustainable growth in African countries during and beyond the pandemic and considering contemporary trends brought by climate change and green growth.
This will be the last webinar in the series on the impact of covid-19 and the African extractive sector.
This webinar is free and open for all, attendance by registration.
This event is organized by:
- The African Natural Resources Centre
External link, opens in new window.
- The African Legal Support Facility
External link, opens in new window.
Both of the African Development Bank External link, opens in new window., hosting the webinar.
This event may be photographed and/or filmed, due to our public service mission. Please inform us if you object to this.