Roundtable mapping data collection on African higher education
This online roundtable will bring together representatives from organisations doing work in this field and researchers in a conversation on mapping data collection on and for the higher education sector in Africa, the role of rankings in producing timely data and best practices among organisations, regions, countries, ministries and regulatory bodies and universities.
This event is organized together with the AAU External link, opens in new window..
By invitation only.
Individual presentations on the work of individual organisations, their approach to data collection, eventual flagship reports, challenges and opportunities will be followed by a joined discussion analysing gaps and ways forward. In collaboration with the Association of African Universities External link, opens in new window. (AAU) the conversation will be recorded for broadcast by AAUs facebook page
External link, opens in new window.. The roundtable is expected to unravel intellectual findings and relevant policy recommendations to serve as directions for future research and collaborations.