Covid-19 and Africa: pandemics in a globalized world

COVID-19 testing in Madagascar. Photo: World Bank / Henitsoa Rafalia
FUF (The Swedish Development Forum) and The Nordic Africa Institute host a breakfast seminar on how the Corona pandemic affect African countries.
Covid-19 has reached almost every country in Africa. Most governments have chosen to impose restrictions on mobility, to reduce serious consequences. However, closing down a country can have hazardous social and economic effects. Join FUF’s Lennart Wohlgemuth and NAI senior researcher Victor Adetula in a live discussion about Covid-19 and Africa. Listeners can ask questions via chat during the talk, or send questions in advance to
For more information and registration for this event, please visit FUF. External link, opens in new window.
If you were unable to attend this seminar, you can watch the recorded version on fufplay's youtube channel External link, opens in new window..