The Nordic Africa Institute


Gender and resource-related conflicts in Africa

man and woman in vegetable field, harvesting
Time • 6 Oct 2017 09:30 - 15:30
Place • Sida, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm, Sweden.
The deadline for abstracts/papers was 2 Oct 2017

The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) and Sida welcome you to a roundtable bringing together researchers, policymakers and development practitioners to discuss gender dynamics in resource-related conflicts in Africa. We will discuss both the various dimensions of such conflicts and the regional and country specific experiences and challenges.

Co-arrangement with SIDA.

RSVP: register to no later than 2 October



Opening address and welcoming words
Iina Soiri, Director, NAI, and Carin Jämtin, Director-General, Sida


Customary law, land reforms and gender equality – reflection from Burkina Faso
Cristiano Lanzano, senior researcher, NAI


Children, youths and conflicts over natural resources in Nigeria
Bosede Awodola, Institute for Peace and Conflict Research, IPCR, Abuja

10:45 Coffe/Tea break


Gender equality in natural resource management and climate change
Anna Collins Falk, lead policy specialist – gender (a.i.), Sida


Mainstreaming gender in climate change adaptation planning
Atakilte Beyene, senior researcher, NAI


Lunch break


Dynamics of farmers-herders conflicts in central Nigeria – the neglected gender dimensions
Victor Adetula, head of research, NAI