The Nordic Africa Institute

Photos from Africa Groups of Sweden

Direct, civil disobedient activism shaped and inspired the Africa Groups of Sweden. Whether it was boycott campaigns outside supermarkets or demonstrations on the streets of Stockholm, it attracted people. Most demonstrations were organised together with organisations and groups such as the unions, political youth parties and civil society associations.

The photos are from various demonstrations in the 1970s and 1980s when the Africa Groups were most visible in the media and the public space in Sweden. The primary targets or causes supported varied, but the theme and general message was the same – independence for the countries in Southern Africa, against the colonisers and against apartheid.

All published photos below are published under the CC BY license.




During 2022-2023 NAI contacted photographers, whereafter the photos were released under CC BY license.


Photographs below are in jpg format. Most of them are also available in tif format upon request. For ordering, please contact the NAI library:

Photo details

Descriptions, locations, years, people, photographers and more. Same content in two formats: