The Nordic Africa Institute

Jörgen Levin

Senior Researcher


Jörgen Levin is a development economist with many years of experience as both lecturer and researcher on topics including Economic Growth and Distribution, Macroeconomics, Inclusive Growth, Taxation and Public Spending, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Jörgen Levin was a consultant for the World Bank mid-1990s to 2007. He has worked on different assignments for UNU/WIDER with focus on Growth and Income Distribution and Tax Policy Reforms in Developing Countries. For the 2015 European Report on Development (ECs flagship report) he worked on various scenarios to achieve selected Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh and Tanzania.

As associate professor in the School of Economics, Örebro University Jörgen is a lecturer and researcher in the field of Macroeconomics and Development Economics.

  • Ph. D in Economics, Department of Economics Göteborg University


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